You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 580

Ye Xingbei Son, where did you learn all this crap? "

"In the book!" The little sapling blinked his eyes. "Mom, I think these words are very reasonable. It's not chaotic at all!"

Ye Xingbei

How can she explain Acacia to a five-year-old?

Gu Jun chuxiao's shoulder trembled, and he put a piece of meat in his mouth to help Ye Xingbei out: "little tree, eat it quickly, it's not delicious when it's cold!"

"Mm-hmm!" Authentic food, sapling immediately hard point small head, buried in hard to eat, temporarily forget the "Acacia" thing.

Ye Xingbei breathes a sigh of relief and gives Gu Wuye a piece of food to help her. He is about to say something. When the door is knocked, ye Xingli walks in with ye Xinglan.

See a see only half life ye Xinglan, ye Xingbei chopsticks fell on the table, surprised stare big eyes: "brother LAN? What's the matter with you? "

It's the limit of Ye Xinglan's physical strength.

See Ye Xing North, strong support of that tone a relief, his body fell, kneeling on the ground.

Ye Xingbei was startled. He couldn't help sitting up straight and wondering: "brother LAN?"

"Beibei, I'm here to apologize to you!" Ye Xinglan unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off.

The whip marks on his back had not been dealt with all night, and the blood had dried up and stained his shirt.

He yanked the shirt off his body. The scabby wound was torn open by the shirt, and the blood gushed out again.

He turned his back to Ye Xingbei and said, "Beibei, this is my fight. I apologize to you. I hope you can forgive me and my parents."

He was too weak to support himself with his hands on the ground. He was shaking all over his body and his voice was shaking: "Beibei, I apologize to you for my parents' giving you to Wu Qizhen. The culprit is me. If I didn't fear the wolf before and the tiger after, I would not tell my parents that you are my uncle's own daughter, My parents would not have made such a terrible mistake. "

"In the final analysis, it's all my fault. Beibei, I'm wrong. I hope you can forgive me. If you think my punishment is not enough, just open your mouth. As long as you put it forward, I will do it!"

Ye Xingbei was silent for a moment and said slowly: "brother LAN, you don't have to do this. I've already thought that I won't hate my uncle and aunt. I've read many stories about people who have hatred in their hearts. No one can be happy. I think I'm very lucky and happy now. Life is short. I don't want to hate anyone with my precious time. I'd better think about it when I have that time How to make those who love me and those I love live a happier life, but.... "

She smile, look and voice are very quiet and calm, "brother LAN, maybe I can't treat you and aunts and uncles as relatives in the future, I always feel grateful for the kindness of Ye family, treat Ye family as my home, treat you and aunts and uncles as my relatives, because of this, I have no sense of defense against aunts and uncles, let aunts and uncles plot against me so easily, I was given to Wu Qizhen as rubbish. "

Ye Xinglan lowered her head in shame and said to herself, "I'm sorry North North I'm sorry... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!