You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 579

Let Ye Xingli lie down and cover him with a blanket. He leaves the room, locks the door, and arranges a bodyguard to guard. After the success, he goes to bed contentedly.

The next day, ye Xingli got up from the bed in a daze.

He sat on the bed, eyes open a crack, dazed for a while before he came back to mind.

He called "Damn it." he put on his shoes and ran out of the door.

Ran to the living room, just face to see Gu Chi.

He grabbed Gu Chi's collar and said, "you are plotting against me!"

Gu Chi patted his hand, "Li Shao, calm down! I'm acting on orders. If you're not satisfied, why don't you go to our young master? "

“……” Ye Xing left.

He loosened Gu Chi's collar and ran to the gate.

As soon as he got out of the gate, he saw that his brother was still kneeling outside the gate, but his body was obviously unable to support him. Zhenyuan was kneeling beside him, and half of his body was leaning on Zhenyuan.

When they came last night, his brother's face was pale.

At this moment, his brother's face was red, his lips were white, and he was skinned. At first sight, he was burning.

He knelt down opposite his brother and reached out to try the temperature on his brother's forehead. He was sweating suddenly: "how hot is it?"

"Nothing..." Ye Xinglan shook his head weakly. "Beibei has suffered this kind of suffering these days too..."

Ye Xingli has nothing to say.

He gritted his teeth and turned around. "Brother, I'll carry you in."

"No," said Ye Xinglan, slapping him on the back in a funny way, "just help me in. I'm not so useless."

Ye Xingli had no choice but to hold up his arm and help him go in.

Think about ye Xingbei a few days ago, and then think about his brother today. He was very distressed. His eyes were red and he sucked his nose. "Last night, I was knocked unconscious by my five brothers."

"This is very good," ye Xinglan said. "Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. This is the style of brother five."

Ye Xingli muttered: "we are all relatives. Why do we have to love and kill each other? Isn't it good to love each other? "

Ye Xinglan comforted him: "when Beibei calms down, we can love each other."

Ye Xingli is still murmuring in a low voice, but the voice is too small for ye Xinglan to hear clearly.

He smiles, I do not know why, suddenly feel his brother is particularly lovely.

In Ye Xingli's broken thoughts, they walk into Ye Xingbei's bedroom.

All the way, unimpeded, no one stopped.

Ye Xinglan and ye Xingli all know that this must be arranged by Gu Jun.

In the bedroom, Gu Junzhu, ye Xingbei, Ling Yue and Xiao Shumiao are having breakfast.

Ye Xingbei's injury is very good, but after all, he is seriously injured and needs to stay in bed for a few days.

Sapling is making a fuss and refuses to eat in the restaurant. He has to eat with his mother.

It's not a big deal. Gu Wuye, who always dotes on his son, let the kitchen put the food in the bedroom without saying a word.

Gu Jun Zhunong a bed table, lying on the bed, so ye Xingbei can eat on the bed.

The sapling sat opposite his mother, looked at his mother, ate a bite of meat, looked at his mother again, and ate some vegetables.

Ye Xingbei couldn't help laughing and pinching his face, "can mother's face serve rice?"

"Well," little sapling nodded his head: "looking at my mother's face, I'm happy, and I have a good appetite! The tree can't eat without her mother. "

Little sapling touched his stomach and showed a sad expression, "Mom, do you know? It's called Acacia! If you don't see your mother, the saplings will get Acacia. If you don't think about tea, you won't think about rice. If you don't think about your clothes, you won't regret. You'll be haggard for Yi Xiao! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!