You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 581

"Brother LAN, I know that aunts and uncles treat me like this because they don't know my real life experience, but I'm still very sad. After all, even if I'm Jiang Zhengxing's daughter, I've been filial to them all these years. How can they abandon me so easily?"

Ye Xinglan nodded, his voice choked: "I understand, Beibei I understand all these, but please, for the sake of my father being your father's favorite brother, please go to see my father. He knows that you are my uncle's daughter. He is in a hurry and has vomited blood and dizzy. Up to now, he hasn't woken up. The doctor says that heart disease still needs heart medicine. Dad's heart knot is you. As long as he can hear you say to him personally that you forgive him, he will surely wake up. "

"This can be ah, no problem," Ye Xingbei light smile, "I said, I will not hate you, hate will only make me painful, but, from now on, I and your Ye family, gratitude and resentment, a clean break, after I no longer owe you ye family nurturing grace, brother LAN, this is OK?"

Ye Xinglan leaned lower and her eyes were red.

He gritted his teeth. "Yes."

Beibei doesn't owe them a long time ago.

But they owe Beibei.

Beibei has nothing to do with their family. Their Ye family doesn't want Beibei.

In the future, as long as there is a chance, he will try his best to compensate Beibei.

Ye Xingbei gently breathed, looking at Ye Xingli, "brother Li, help brother LAN to get up."

Ye Xingli and so on this sentence waited for a long time, quickly helped ye Xinglan, helped him up from the ground.

Ye Xinglan turned to see ye Xingbei, "Beibei, now can you follow me to see my father?"

"Can't," don't wait for ye Xingbei to speak, Gu Junzhu refused him, "Beibei is still injured, want to stay in bed."

"But my father's illness really can't wait any longer." Ye Xinglan is urgent and painful, with a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

Gu Jun Chueh laughs, "don't you know that when people are dying, if there are still unfulfilled wishes, it's not easy to hang up. Only when they do, will they go away?"

Ye Xinglan

Sounds like It makes a lot of sense.

"What are the saplings looking at? Eat Gu Junzhu patted sapling's head and lifted ye Xinglan's eye: "go back and tell Ye Wuwei that if he doesn't get Ye Xiaobei's forgiveness, he will die. When he gets to the ground, his elder brother and sister-in-law won't forgive him. Let him hold on for a breath, how can he drag to Ye Xiaobei to see him die again, or can he close his eyes when he dies?"

“……” Ye Xinglan has a strong feeling of vomiting blood.

But thinking that he was guilty, he put up with it.

What's more, Gu Junzhu's words are not rough.

Go back, he embellished Gu Junzhu's words and told his father that Beibei had been rescued safely, but he was injured and still recovering. Let his father take good care of himself.

When his father takes good care of his body and Beibei's body, he will see Beibei.

There's nothing wrong with doing something wrong, as long as there's a chance to make it up.

What I'm afraid of most is making a big mistake. I don't even have a chance to reform.

He would tell his father that if he died now, there would be no chance to compensate Beibei.

For Dad, everything about uncle is his obsession.

As long as dad is still thinking about waking up, he may wake up if he has obsession in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!