You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 578

The gate of Gu's manor is closed.

Ye Xingli gets off with ye Xinglan.

A moment later, they got their expected answer: the LORD had gone to sleep, and no guests were seen.

This time, ye Xinglan knelt down before ye Xingli.

He came with the determination to burn his bridges.

In any case, he asked for ye Xingbei's forgiveness and let Ye Xingbei accompany him to see his father.

Even if his father still can't be saved, he can't let his father go with regret.

Ye Xingli kneels down beside him and holds his precarious body, worried.

Brother, do you want to kneel until tomorrow morning?

He has no problem, but how can you bear it?

He was full of heartache: "brother, you go back first, I come to ask Beibei, Beibei will promise us."

Ye Xinglan shook his head, "Beibei may be, Wuge won't, I only get enough punishment, Wuge will give us the chance to see Beibei, otherwise we can't even see Beibei, how can we ask Beibei to go home?"

Ye Xingli knew that ye Xinglan was telling the truth and bowed his head in frustration.

A moment later, he looked back at Zhenqi and said, "call Dr. Li and ask him to come quickly."

His brother won't let him take the medicine, but there must be a doctor watching.

Otherwise, his parents are lying in the hospital bed, and his brother will fall down again, and he will go crazy.

In the manor.

Ye Xingbei opens his eyes vaguely, "who called?"

"It's OK," Gu Jun said, bowing his head and kissing her, "go to sleep."

"Oh." Gu five ye said nothing, that must be nothing, ye Xingbei closed his eyes again and went to sleep.

Gu Junzhu patted her like a baby and leaned over her eyebrows to kiss her.

When she fell asleep, he got up and went down to the ground, gently opened the curtain and looked out.

The night was dim, and the gate was too far away for him to see outside.

But he guessed that ye Xinglan and ye Xingli would not just leave.

Even if they are young and strong, kneeling all night is enough for them.

He thought about it and sent a message to Gu Chi.

A moment later, the door opened a little, Gu Chi walked out of the door, facing Ye Xingli with a bright smile, "Li Shao, our young master asked you to go in."

Ye Xingli frowned and looked at ye Xinglan beside him: "my brother, he..."

Gu Chi said: "our young master only asks you to go in alone."

Ye Xinglan patted Ye Xingli's arm: "five brothers let you in, you go in, don't worry about me."

Ye Xingli hesitated and stood up.

It's good that he can see Beibei first.

As long as he saw Beibei, he would plead with Beibei and let his brother in.

Beibei is soft hearted and will promise him.

Thinking about this, he relaxed a little and followed Gu Chi into the manor.

Into the living room, he knew which one ye Xingbei's bedroom was, and walked directly upstairs.

Gu Chi took a wrong step and said in his heart that he was sorry. He raised his hand and cut the blade on his back neck.

Ye Xing left the brain to muddle under, don't understand why he still can be plotted secretly in five elder brother's territory.

Before he knew it, he fainted in the dark.

Gu Chi reached out to catch his soft body and muttered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm all under orders. Our young master is very kind

He muttered and left the guest room with Ye Xing.

Afraid that ye Xingli woke up, he also made some hypnotic incense and covered Ye Xingli's nose for a moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!