You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 577

Although the situation is not much better now, at least there is still room for change.

They still have a chance to seek the understanding of Beibei.

But if Beibei dies, it's all over.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shi Xiling cried even more.

She clung to ye Xinglan's sleeve like the last straw: "brother LAN, I beg you. Anyway, we grew up together. Now my face is ruined. You still misunderstand me that I have an ambiguous relationship with the curtain Pavilion. I don't want to be your wife and son. As long as you are willing to save me, I'm willing to follow you

Ye Xinglan threw her away, disgusted: "would you like to follow me without fame, I will take you? Shi Xiling, you are so conceited! "

"The road is my own. I have to pay for my mistakes, and you have to pay for your mistakes."

"From the day you betrayed me, you should think that no matter what you ask me for, I will never do anything for you again after things are revealed."

Shi Xiling rushed over and hugged him, shivering: "brother LAN, please, this time! That old man is a changed state. In the hands of that changed state, I have to die. Brother LAN, even if I'm wrong, it's not a capital crime, is it? Brother LAN, please help me! Please

"It's your business, it's none of my business!" Ye Xinglan pushed her away and said coldly, "this is the last time. Don't let me see you again, or I will make your end worse than giving it to that old man!"

After that, he gritted his teeth and walked towards the car.

Shi Xiling still wants to chase him, but he is stopped by his bodyguard.

She struggled desperately, but she couldn't break through the interception of the bodyguard.

She watched as ye Xinglan got into the car and the car went away, quickly disappearing in her sight.

Until the car disappeared, ye Xinglan's bodyguard just pushed her to the ground. He still couldn't get rid of her anger and spit on her hard. His eyes were full of disdain.

Shi Xiling sat down on the ground, full of fear and despair.

Once she was the most enviable woman in Y country, only a few days, she fell from the clouds to the dust and became a chess piece to be sacrificed by her father.

If she is sent to a prostitute's house, she will die.

That shouldn't be the end of her learning from Xiling!

She clenched her fist, stood up and stumbled into the woods by the side of the road.

She's running.

Run to the place her father can't find, and then find a new backer.

She believed that with her wisdom and beauty, she would be able to find a more powerful man than ye Xinglan.

It doesn't matter if he is older or uglier. As long as he is richer and more powerful than ye Xinglan, he is determined to take revenge on her!

She'll be back.

Come back and trample on all the people who have bullied her and tell them that she is the real queen.

All the people who have been sorry to her are dead Including abandoning her shimaotong!


in the car.

He was hit and hugged by Shi Xiling, and the wound that just started to stop bleeding was torn open again, and the blood gushed out again.

Ye Xinglan's face is even worse. He seems to fall down at any time.

Ye Xing centrifugal urgent such as burning, repeatedly urged Zhenyuan, let him drive faster.

Zhenyuan stepped on the accelerator to the end, and more than ten minutes later, their car arrived outside gujia manor.

[PS: after the system is pulled out, the chapter is released. In the future, don't wait for the update at 12 a.m. ha, staying up late is bad for your health. When you get up in the morning, the staff can solve the problem in time, and won't let you wait in vain ~

last night, the friends who were waiting for more trouble, feel their heads ~] , the fastest update of the webnovel!