You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 576

Many aristocrats, even among their own brothers, have a lot of mutual suspicion and mutual defense.

But he never doubted Ye Xingli and trusted him like he trusted himself.

Because he knew that although his younger brother was a little bit loose, he was clean, sincere and kind. No matter when and where he was, he could rest assured.

At this point, he is not as good as his brother.

"I'm not as capable as you are!" Ye Xingli grabbed his other arm, went around his neck and helped him, "brother, because of you, I can live a free and loose life. I can do whatever I want. No one is perfect. You really have imperfections. No matter how imperfect you are, you are also my brother. I support you!"

Ye Xinglan laughs, "silly boy!"

If he could be just like Ye Xingli, a little bit "silly", with a clean mind, no anger, no calculation, no indecision, no foresight, his parents would not be lying in the hospital bed at this moment.

It's all his fault.

Dozens of whips are light.

If Beibei still doesn't get rid of his anger, he can fight again at any time when his injury is healed.

You can play whenever you want.

He owes Beibei.

He is willing to pay it back.

Otherwise, it will be hard for the rest of your life.

Ye Xingli helped ye Xinglan into the car and drove out of the villa.

Two or three hundred meters out, suddenly a man jumped out of the road and rushed to the front of the car.

The driver quickly braked.

Ye Xinglan's body shakes, and the wound vibrates. His face is as white as paper. He almost faints.

Ye Xingli held him, frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Er Shao," Zhenyuan replied, "it's Miss Sisi. She burst out and blocked our car."

Ye Xingli looks over.

Shi Xiling opened her arms and stood in front of their car, looking as if she were dead.

Ye Xingli frowned and said, "I'll get rid of her."

"No," the appendix pressed him, "I'll go myself."

Ye Xingli frowned more tightly: "your wound..."

"It's OK. I can hold it." Ye Xinglan ignored the opposition and opened the door to get off.

He walked slowly to Shi Xiling. Every step he took seemed to be on the tip of a knife, sweating with pain.

Shi Xiling saw that his face was as white as snow and his body was tottering. She was shocked and asked, "brother LAN, what's the matter with you?"

"No matter what happened to me, it has nothing to do with you," ye Xinglan looked at her coldly. "If you want to die, please stay away. Don't get in my way. I'm anxious to see Beibei."

With tears in her eyes, Shi Xiling touched the gauze's cheek: "brother LAN, I'm hurt."

Ye Xinglan frowned and turned to go.

"Ah LAN!" Shi Xiling quickly stepped forward, grabbed his sleeve and knelt down at his feet with tears: "brother LAN, please help me! My father is going to give me to the boss behind the scenes of the underground prostitute shop, brother LAN. Please help me. After all, I'm your girlfriend. If I'm sent by my father to the old man, where will you put your face? "

Ye Xinglan looks back at her unexpectedly.

He did not expect that Shi maotong was so cruel that he was willing to send his own daughter to such a place.

Prostitute house

If Gu Wuye had not been able to rescue Ye Xingbei in time, ye Xingbei would surely have died there.

If ye Xingbei really died, Gu Junzhu would not let them go.

Even he didn't have to do anything. As long as he told his father the truth, his father would wipe his neck with a knife. , the fastest update of the webnovel!