You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 573

"Then you don't have to go to someone to check," Ye Xingbei said hastily, "no news is good news, and it's not good to make extra twigs."

"Well," Gu Jun rubbed her head, "don't mention it later. He will come back."

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "I understand that he can realize his dream and work hard for his ambition. I'm very happy for him. I also believe that he will come back."

"Good boy Gu Jun flicked her forehead one by one, "so you're not so unlucky. Seeing that you're so nervous and you raise your brother, he's at least good to you."

"Yes," Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "when he left, I was the most worried. He cried and hugged me for a long time before he let go. He also threatened his uncle and aunt. He dared to be bad to me. When he came back, he would settle with them. Unfortunately, his uncle and aunt were brave enough to ignore his threat. They were still bad to me."

Gu Jun pick eyebrows: "hold you for a long time?"

Ye Xingbei Why the expression? He's my brother, just a farewell hug. "

Gu Wuye said seriously: "Ye Xiaobei, girls should be reserved. Don't let people hold you casually in the future. Neither can your brother. Your brother is also of the opposite sex. You already have a husband. You can only let him hold you in the future!"

Ye Xingbei Then you can't hold a girl casually in the future. That's fair! "

Gu five Ye very crisp grasp her palm, with her high five: "deal! Who violates, who is green hair

"No," yexingbei couldn't help laughing, "who violated, the other side will become green hair."

Gu Junzhu couldn't help laughing and shaking his head: "poor little tree, I don't know what the homonym of green Maomao is when I grow up. Will I regret giving my dog such a name?"

Ye Xingbei couldn't smile. He buried his face in his arms with a smile.

After a long time, she stopped laughing and put her arms around Gu Junzhu's waist: "Gu Junzhu I seem to have said it to you, but I want to say it again Thank you Nice to meet you... "

Gu Jun stroked her hair and said with a smile, "me too."

"What is it?" Ye Xingbei buried his head in his arms and rubbed, "I give you a lot of trouble, every time you help me, I didn't help you do anything, how to look at this transaction is your loss."

"Who said you didn't do anything for me?" Gu Jun crumpled her hair. "Ye Xiaobei, I'm happy when I see you. You're gone. I think my world is missing a big piece. When you come back, you fill my heart again. Do you think you're important?"

Ye Xingbei giggled and said, "that's very good. I also think that you've filled my heart full. I don't have time to hate this and that. I'm super happy. You're great!"

Gu Wu Yeh took a breath, "goblin, you hook me again!"

Ye Xingbei looked up at him, puzzled What is it? "

Gu five Ye fiercely pressed her hand somewhere, "can't say those three words on the bed, OK?"

Ye Xingbei's palm was stabbed by something. His face turned red. He pulled out his hand and slapped his strong abdominal muscles: "you Can't you think of something else? "

"Can't," Gu five Ye rightfully said: "the man who doesn't want to do this kind of thing in bed must have some function not good!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!