You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 574

Ye Xingbei Go away

Gu Junzhu not only did not go away, but bowed his head to kiss her on the lips.

When his lips are about to fall on Ye Xingbei's lips, ye Xingbei's mobile phone rings.

Ye Xingbei pushed him away with a red face, touched his mobile phone and looked at him: "I'm away from my brother."

Gu Junzhu snorted, "the master who eats flies."

Ye Xingbei ignored him, turned his back to him and connected his mobile phone: "Hello, Li Ge?"

"Beibei, are you awake?" Ye Xingli is both surprised and happy.

"Well," said Ye Xingbei, "I'm fine now. Gu Junzhu's medicine is very effective."

Gu Jun bit her ear: "is it so impolite to call my name? My husband Otherwise, five brothers will do

Ye Xingbei patted him with an empty hand, "go away, go away."

Ye Xingli on the other side of the mobile phone Well, Beibei, five brothers are by your side? "

"Well," said Ye Xingbei, "he's here. Do you want to talk to him?"

"No, I'm looking for you, Beibei. I want to tell you..."

Before he finished, Gu Junzhu's voice came from his mobile phone: "Beibei is asleep."

Then the phone was hung up and a string of "beep" busy sounds came.

Ye Xingli

Ye Xinglan walks into the living room and finds that ye Xingli is in a daze with his mobile phone.

He walked over and put one hand on Ye Xingli's shoulder and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Beibei wakes up," Ye Xingli said in distress, "but brother five won't let Beibei pick me up. I'm thinking, is it too late to go to brother five's house now? I have to pick up Beibei."

Ye Xingbei wakes up, but his parents haven't.

His mother's condition is still better, but the high fever does not subside, sleep and wake up, the doctor said that there is no life-threatening.

But his father can't wait any longer.

His father has been in a coma and may die at any time.

Anyway, he will bring ye Xingbei to see his father.

The best way to save his father's life.

Even if he can't be rescued, he can't let his father leave with guilt and regret for Beibei, and he will be restless to death.

"It doesn't work if you go," said Ye Xinglan, who was silent for a moment and patted him on the shoulder. "I'll go."

Ye Xingli said: "I'd better go together. I have to see Beibei. I'm not sure if I don't see her with my own eyes."

"OK, let's go together," said Ye Xinglan. "I have something else to do. Please wait for me for a moment."

Ye Xingli nodded, "good."

Ye Xinglan went back to the bedroom.

Close the bedroom door, he called his bodyguard Zhenyuan and asked him to come.

Soon, Zhenyuan knocked on the door: "young master."

Ye Xinglan handed him the whip in his hand, turned around, took off his coat and supported the wall with both hands, "fight."

Zhenyuan Young master

Ye Xinglan took a deep breath: "I'm going to take care of my family, you know, don't let me explain, let you hit you hit."

He is different from Ye Xing.

He is the successor of the Ye family, and his face represents the face of the Ye family.

He can't be like Ye Xingli, kneeling at Gu Junzhu's feet and slapping himself in the face.

But if you make a mistake, you have to pay a price.

As ye Xingli said, if he had told his parents about ye Xingbei's life experience, they would not have made such a terrible mistake.

The culprit is actually him.

He should be punished most.

Zhenyuan clenched his whip and gritted his teeth: "yes, young master!"

He raised his whip and threw it heavily on ye Xinglan's back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!