You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 572

"It doesn't matter whether it was miserable or not. Isn't it all in the past?" Gu Jun pinched her face. "Now it's not miserable. I don't know how many women envy you. They are so beautiful, and they have found a perfect husband like me, right?"

Ye Xingbei Mr. Gu, your face is hopeless. Do you know that? It's thick enough to go to outer space! "

Gu five Ye shook his head helplessly, "now this society, the truth is not let people say! To tell you the truth, I'll be scolded for being cheeky. I can't afford to hurt you, I can't afford to hurt you! "

Ye Xingbei

Shouldn't she be the one who can't hurt?

She was speechless for a while, and suddenly thought of a thing: "after my adopted brother left home, there was no news. When I got rich, I entrusted a private detective to look for him. The private detective said that he couldn't find him. They also said that in the case of my adopted brother, he probably went on a secret mission. Anyway, he must be alive. If he died, his superior would inform his family, would you Is that so? "

Gu Jun asked her: "is your brother good to you?"

"When I was a child, I was always bullied," said Ye Xingbei. "When he was a teenager, he was sensible and loved me very much. He not only stopped bullying me, but also stopped his adoptive parents from beating me. He saved me food when he had good things. He looked like a brother."

Gu junzhuhe.

When he was a child, he bullied him. When he grew up, ye Xiaobei was beautiful. Then he knew how to be gallant. How did he feel that this foster brother was not a good thing?

Ulterior motives and impure motives rival in love!

"Well, I asked you a question. Why are you laughing so scary?" Ye Xingbei poked him, "after the private detective told me, I don't dare to find him any more. I'm afraid he's going to be an undercover agent in a very dangerous place like the one on TV. I'll send someone to find him, which will harm him. Do you think I did right?"

"Yes, of course, very right!" Gu Jun nodded: "the private detective is right. He must be alive. If he dies, someone will send ashes to his family."

"I wish I were alive!" Ye Xing North vomited a tone, "anyway, as long as still alive, there is still hope to reunite."

"OK, don't worry," Gu Junzhu said, "if he is really sent to carry out secret missions, it shows that he is excellent. Whether he comes back alive or dies bravely, it will be the pride of his life."

Ye Xingbei nodded, "I understand that my elder brother's wish since childhood is to serve the motherland. He has good physical fitness and studied martial arts with an old man in the town who knows martial arts for several years. The old man said that my elder brother is born to practice martial arts, but it's a pity that this is not the cold weapon era, otherwise my elder brother must be a martial arts expert."

Gu Junzhu said: "good physical fitness, is a good seedling of martial arts, receive professional training, progress will be faster than ordinary people, so you don't have to worry about him, he will come back."

"Well Actually... " Ye Xingbei looked up at him, hesitated and said, "actually, I thought, could you help me find him, but I think we'd better not find him, don't you think?"

Gu Junzhu said: "I can send someone to look for him. If he has any accident, his leader will inform his family immediately. If you don't receive the notice, it means that he is still alive. In the future, you don't have to mention anything about him. The fewer people you know, the better." , the fastest update of the webnovel!