You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 571

She was silent for a moment and sighed: "I still remember that when I was ten years old, my adoptive mother went to a relative's house and was drunk. When she came back, she whipped me with a wooden stick and cried, saying why it was her daughter who died, not me. If it was me who died young, her daughter would have survived."

Gu Jun by eyebrow heart wrinkle more tight, a heart twist strength son of pain.

He couldn't imagine how a ten-year-old would feel when he faced the curse of his close relatives.

He touched Ye Xingbei's face, "Ye Xiaobei, you suffered so much when you were a child. You must have met me in order to accumulate all your luck! If others don't hurt you, I'll hurt you later! "

"Well, you love me now," Ye Xingbei said with a smile, looking up at him, "in fact, I always want to ask you, why are you so good to me?"

"Because you are beautiful!" Gu Jun touched her swollen face one by one. "I'm just a layman. I like to look at my face."

Ye Xingbei I mean it

"Seriously?" Gu Wu Yeh's face turned, and his eyes fell on Ye Xingbei. His eyes were hot and hot. "Well, in fact, what I value most is the inner, commonly known as The connotation. "

Ye Xingbei

It seems that something is wrong!

"Ye Xiaobei..." Gu Jun bit his ear to Ye Xingbei's ear and said, "your beauty of connotation reaches its peak!"

“……!” Ye Xing pushed him North: "you get out of here!"

Gu Jun chuckles, not only does not go out, but also hugs her in his arms and kisses her, "Ye Xiaobei, get better quickly, let you hook me, I can't help myself now!"

Ye Xingbei Do you want to be shameless? Who hooked you? "

"You Mr. Gu was serious: "I said I like you. You have to force me to like your connotation. Isn't that a hook?"

Ye Xingbei

Ah, Pooh!

That's not the way to use the word connotation!

Ye Xingbei's internal injury: "I won't talk to you. I can't talk to you this day!"

"Well, well, you continue to say, I listen," Gu Wu Ye's face you unreasonable, but I am willing to compromise tolerance atmosphere like: "later? I remember the material said, "your adoptive father fell to death when he went up the mountain to collect herbs?"

"Well, I didn't die at that time," Ye Xingbei said. "I was seriously injured at that time. I spent all my family's savings and I didn't get well. I collapsed in bed for more than a year and died. After my adoptive father died, my adoptive mother collapsed and soon went with me."

"After my adoptive parents died, my elder brother went to the army. Before he left, he handed me over to his younger brother and sister-in-law."

"I'll know the rest," Gu Junzhu said, "your adoptive father's younger brother is greedy for betrothal gifts and wants to marry you to an old lame man. You ran away from your marriage, ran out of the town in the middle of the night, ran to Jiangcheng and met Jianglin. I'll know the following things very clearly."

He touched Ye Xingbei's face, tut tut: "you don't have to say that your short 21 years of life is really legendary, full of ups and downs

Ye Xingbei Don't use idioms without culture! What are the words in a mess? What's more, I'm so miserable. Even if you don't hold a tear of sympathy for me, would you put away the smile on your face? It's too unsympathetic, too much! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!