You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 570

Yue ya'er came to visit his relatives in Y country and returned home two months later, so this time they signed a short contract.

"Good," Ye Xingbei said, "ya'er is very nice, beautiful, gentle and patient, and has good medical skills. She also likes to read books, have a wide range of knowledge, and it's very interesting to chat with her."

Gu junzhuo pick eyebrows: "can I have a wide range of knowledge?"

Ye Xingbei What do you compare a big man with other girls? Shame or not? "

Gu Wuye is right and strong: "love enemies are not divided into men and women, men are called comrades, women are called glass."

Ye Xingbei Mr. Gu, you have won. You are really knowledgeable! "

Seeing her speechless appearance again, Gu Jun chuckled, rubbed her head and helped her lie down on the bed, "are you tired? Have a sleep? "

"I'll sleep as soon as I eat, and I'm going to be a pig," Ye Xingbei said. "I'll lie down for a while, and I'll sleep later."

Gu Wu ye: "a pig lying in a pigsty is also a pig."

Ye Xingbei Get out of here

"How lonely are you when I'm out?" Gu not only didn't go out, but also got into bed. He sat down beside her, leaned on the head of the bed, put her in his arms and stroked her head. "Anyway, being idle is also idle. Ye Xiaobei, would you tell me something about your past? I don't think I know enough about you. "

"How could it be?" Ye Xingbei said, "you've almost dug out the ancestors of the eight generations of the Jiang family, but you don't have enough names. How can you have more names?"

"When you were a child," Gu Junzhu said, "I don't know much about you in your adoptive father's and adoptive mother's family. I only know that they treat you in general, which is neither good nor bad. As for other things, I didn't check them too carefully."

Chajiang family, because he is interested in the plot of Jiang family.

Ye Xingbei's 15 years of life in the small town was quite peaceful, so naturally he didn't do much investigation.

But today he found out that he was also very interested in Ye Xingbei's 15 years of life in the small town.

Sure enough, people change.

"There's nothing to say," Ye Xingbei looked up at the roof and slowly exhaled, "my adoptive father and mother adopted me because they had a daughter who was about my age and died of illness."

"Seeing me abandoned by the roadside, they empathized, took me as their dead daughter and brought me back home."

"When I was a child, they treated me fairly well and devoted their love to their own daughter to me."

"But in the small town, you know, most of them prefer boys to girls. Their adoptive parents have their own sons, and their family conditions are relatively poor. Whatever delicious food and fun they have in their family is closely related to their elder brother. What's wrong with their life? The child I picked up is a ready-made outlet."

Ye Xingbei looked up at Gu Junzhu: "you are not particularly surprised. Why can I be so calm after being hurt? I'm just used to it. I was beaten by my adoptive parents when I was young. I was beaten when I lost my chicken and Duck at home. My adoptive parents quarreled with others outside. I was beaten and my brother fell outside. It's also my fault. I'm not only beaten but also have no food to eat. "

Gu Jun by twist eyebrow, stroked the face son of stroking leaf Star North, "leaf small north, how do you so miserable?"

Ye Xingbei shrugged his shoulders, "in fact, when I was a child, my adoptive parents were good to me, but the older I grew up, the more beautiful I might be. As a famous beautiful girl in the town, my adoptive parents were unbalanced." , the fastest update of the webnovel!