You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 559

As a noble lady, I should never mention that kind of dirty place.

And his good mother, actually send a girl to where let people spoil.

It is probably because he has such a mother that he can teach shixiling and shixiying two dirty daughters!

Hearing from Shi Shijun, Wu Qizhen's face was full of fear.

She hugged Shi Xiling, who was crying with her face covered, and fell to the ground. She was weak and trembling: "ah Jun, can't we think of another way? Our relatives and friends... "

"We have family and friends in our family. Don't we have Chi family, Duanmu family, Gu family and ye family?" Shi Shijun asked: "do you think our family has many friends and relatives, or do you think the Chi family, Duanmu family, Gu family and ye family add up to many friends and relatives?"

"How could that be How could this be... " Wu Qizhen's face was pale and she was scared: "ah Jun, I'm willing to apologize to Ye Xingbei. Can I go to apologize to Ye Xingbei? And Chi family, we also go to apologize to Chi family! Ah Ying, she has been punished. She is still half dead in bed now. Can't it make them calm down? "

"Why do they want to calm down?" Shi Shijun roared angrily: "if it wasn't for Shi Xiying, Chi Qing would still be alive. Now other people's baby daughter is so stupid that people don't recognize her. When people see her, they want to kill our teacher's family. What can you do to make people calm down?"

Wu Qizhen hugged Shi Xiling tightly in her arms, hesitated and said: "or If not, let's send Ah Ying to Chi's family and let them deal with him. After Chi's revenge, they won't hold on to our family... "

Shi Shijun's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe it was from his mother.

Shixiying, that's his sister, his mother's daughter!

But now, in order to save himself, his mother wants to send his own daughter to Chi's home!

Shi Xi's shadow turns Chi Qing into a fool. Chi's family hates Shi Xi's shadow to the bone.

With the protection of the teacher's family, the Chi family dare not kill Shi Xiying openly.

But if their teacher's family will send Shi Xiying to them, that's what you mean. Chi's family will kill Shi Xiying.

His mother wanted to send her own daughter to die!

He opened his mouth and felt that his heart was filled with endless despair. He could not say a word.

During the conversation between his mother and his son, the bodyguards of the Ye family smashed the master's house, smashed everything they could, and left nothing.

Nothing smashed, bodyguards gathered, back to Ye Xing left side.

Ye Xingli holds his arms and looks at Shi Xiling. His eyes are cold and his voice mocks: "Shi Xiling, where's your adulterer? Take it out and let me have a look. I used to know him, but I really don't see any excellence in him. I want you to put a green hat on my brother for him. Now you bring him here and let me have a good look. "

"I didn't, Xiao Li, I really didn't!" Shi Xiling covered her bleeding face and shook her head in tears.

She knows, she can't admit it.

Death cannot be admitted.

Admit it. Her life is over.

Ye Xinglan will abandon her and revenge her.

Her father and brother would hate her and hate her.

In any case, she must not be guilty of this crime.

Ye Xingli sneered and told his men: "go and find out the curtain Pavilion." , the fastest update of the webnovel!