You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 558

Ye Xingbei was the most famous beauty in Y country before she came to Y country. She always cherished her appearance.

In addition to the face, her legs, hands, body, there are varying degrees of scratches, stabs, but she has no psychological will, trembling fingers to touch her face.

Touching the long cut in her face, she let out a scream of horror.

Wu Qizhen rushed over and pushed Shi Shijun, "are you crazy? Don't you know that a woman's face is a woman's life? You want to kill your sister? "

Shi Shijun's eyes were scarlet, and he roared: "do I want to kill her, or does she want to kill the whole family? She is the young master's girlfriend of the Ye family. She dares to raise a male pet behind his back! Which man can bear the humiliation? Do you know the news from the Ye family that the Ye family is going to make a clean break with us and never die with us in the future? "

"Now the Chi family, Duanmu family and Gu family are all dealing with us. We were in danger. We couldn't last long. We thought that the Ye family could help us, but now even the Ye family are dealing with us. Mom, do you think our family has a way to live? Our whole family will be killed by her shameless bitch

Shi Shijun is more and more angry and kicks Shi Xiling on her chest.

As the eldest son of the teacher's family, he has always been a good brother who loves his sister.

But not this time.

When his younger sister was bullied, he naturally wanted to support them.

But no matter Shi Xiying or Shi Xiling, he has no reason to support them.

It's OK for Shixi Yingling to abuse Yunuo. It's a big deal for ye Xingbei, a slave. Ye Xingbei dares to touch the second lady of his teacher's family. It's stepping on the face of his teacher's family. He can't stand it. He must stand for his sister.

But Shi Xiying actually calculated Chi Qing, which made Chi Qing crazy now. That's Shi Xiying's fault.

If it was not a last resort, there would be no such blood feud between rich families.

Otherwise, it would be no good to attract another family to stay alive, except to pull the hind legs of the family's development.

No one wants an enemy with equal strength. They should be on guard all the time. If they are careless, they may be killed by the other party.

But what about Xi Ying?

Just because she and Chi Qing have a little holiday, she thinks that she is clever enough to murder Chi Qing and make the Chi family crazy to deal with them.

Sometimes, he wanted to strangle Shi Xiying.

I don't want to be a ruthless sister who can't accomplish enough but can't defeat enough.

He thought that Shi Xiling was more sensible than Shi Xiying.

What's more, Shi Xiling's boyfriend is ye Xinglan. If something happens to her family, they will help.

But now he knows that Shi Xiling and Shi Xiying are just as hateful.

The young master of the Ye family is her boyfriend, and she dares to raise a man's pet in private.

Her head is just beautiful, isn't it?

Why doesn't she think that this is the most intolerable thing for men?

Ye Xinglan knew that ye Xinglan would not forgive her, nor would she forgive the master.

If ye family and Shi family can't marry each other, they can only form an inextricable feud!

He glared at Shi Xiling, and his angry head was buzzing.

He felt that ye Xingli was right. There was nothing good about the women in the teacher's family.

His mother is the master of a teacher's family. She is so dirty that she sends a young girl to an underground prostitute's shop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!