You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 560

Yejia and Shijia used to be close, and most of their bodyguards knew each other.

Soon, the curtain pavilion was twisted from the yard into the living room.

He was one of the seven or eight bodyguards of the left behind teacher's family. When he heard the news and went to check the situation, he was knocked unconscious by the bodyguards of the Ye family. Until now, he just woke up with a basin of cold water.

He was all wet and pushed down beside Shi Xiling. Seeing the blood on Shi Xiling's face, he cried out in dismay: "what's wrong with your face, miss?"

Shi Xiling covered her face and shook her head at him.

Ye Xingli looked at them with his arms in his arms. "Curtain Pavilion, come on, tell me what's the difference between you and me. Let your eldest daughter have a good rest. Ye's future eldest daughter-in-law won't do it. She has to get along with you secretly."

The curtain Pavilion fiercely looks up to leaf star to leave, the vision is more frightened.

He Is his relationship with the first lady exposed?

How is that possible?

He and the first lady are intimate only when they are in the first lady's room. Besides, the two of them have been careful and never show any abnormality outside.

How could they be exposed?

Ye Xingli hugs his arms and hums and laughs, "in fact, all living beings are equal. The eldest lady of your teacher's family has to be willing to marry a bodyguard. As long as you like, others can't say anything. But if you are not only the young lady of the Ye family in the future, but also the young lady of the Ye family behind their back and raise a man in private, you have to give an account to the Ye family, Shijun, don't you think?"

His eyes turned and fell on Shi Shijun's face, full of coldness and ridicule.

In just a few days, Shi Shijun has changed from a young master with boundless scenery to a dog who is now besieged and worried.

Shi Shijun is full of depression, indignation and hatred.

He stepped forward and kicked the curtain Pavilion in his heart. He spat out blood and said, "how did you seduce the young lady?"

"No..." Mu Ting shook his head. "I didn't I... "

Shi Shijun interrupted him and ordered angrily, "come on, drag him down and beat him to death." The

Pavilion is a slave, and the owner has the final say.

No one cares about being killed by the host's family.

"No Don't... " The curtain Pavilion drags the painful body kicked by Shi Shijun, climbs up to Shi Xiling, grabs Shi Xiling's arm and pleads: "Miss, help me, help me..."

Shi Xiling looked at the beautiful face of the curtain Pavilion and was shaking with tears.

She didn't want to.

It's just that she can't help it.

She likes the beauty and gentleness of the curtain Pavilion. She likes that the curtain Pavilion is obedient to her. She likes that the curtain Pavilion can serve her as she wants to be served.

She also likes the identity and status of Ye Xinglan, but she is too tired to stay by her side.

When she is with the curtain Pavilion, she can fight and scold as she likes. But beside ye Xinglan, she should always accommodate her feelings, speak softly and be gentle. Even if she is dissatisfied with ye Xinglan, she doesn't dare to show half of it, for fear of being rejected by Ye Xinglan.

The Ye family has a noble status. Although the teacher family is also a century old family, compared with the Ye family, it is also their teacher family.

If it were not for these two reasons, ye Xinglan's girlfriend would not be her in any way.

Y country likes ye Xinglan's famous family, some of them are more noble than her status.

She can be ye Xinglan's girlfriend, first, because her mother is Ye Zhitong's friend, second, because she has a beautiful face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!