You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 557

Sitting on the co pilot's seat, Zhen Qi looked back at him hesitantly, "young master, isn't that good? I'll be arrested by the police... "

Ye Xingli: "don't dare to go. Get off now."

Zhenqi immediately sat up straight, straight back: "young master, you know, I can fight the most, I can top two shock Chu, how can this kind of thing less than me?"

Ye Xingli ignored him.

Twenty minutes later, more than 20 big men with sticks and a group of hungry wolves broke into the master's house. They beat people and smashed things when they saw them.

The bodyguards of the teacher's family ran out when they heard the news, but the bodyguards of the teacher's family were few, a total of seven or eight, and the others went out.

Seven or eight against twenty, all of them fell to the ground in a few minutes and couldn't move.

Wu Qizhen and Shi Xiling hear the news, just want to come out to check, ye Xingli takes people into the living room.

The leaf star leaves a station toward the door, "smash!"

Seven or eight men with wooden sticks scattered in the living room with a hula. No matter what was valuable or not, they would smash things when they saw them.

Staring at Ye Xingli's red and swollen face, Wu Qizhen was stunned for several seconds before she recognized Ye Xingli and screamed, "Ye Xingli, are you crazy?"

"Am I crazy or are you?" Ye xingliyang took the stick in his hand and smashed it on the vase beside the door. "Dare to bully my sister. I smash things lightly. If it's not for the loss of your lives, I'll smash your head directly!"

Shi Xiling's face turned white, but her voice was still soft, and she forced herself to squeeze out a gentle and generous smile. "Xiao Li, it's really my mother's fault about Beibei, but my mother has already paid the price. Now the video spread all over the world, and my mother didn't even dare to go out. The reputation of the latter half of her life is ruined, and it's worse than death. Xiao Li, People are not saints. Please forgive my mother. This time, my mother will not dare

"Go away!" Ye Xing said to her, "it's better than singing! You are not a good thing! You think I don't know? I fall in love with my brother on the surface, and play with a man behind my brother's back. Fortunately, my brother has not been engaged to you, or you will make me sick! Sure enough, what kind of mother raises what kind of daughter. One of the women in your teacher's family is not a good bird! "

"Xiao Li, what do you say? Can you say that again? "

There is a voice behind Ye Xingli. Shi Shijun and several bodyguards break into the door.

He came in all the way with a few bodyguards, and they were all decorated.

But he can't take care of anything, staring at Ye Xingli and asking: "Xiao Li, what did you just say about Sisi?"

"What? Don't you know? " Ye Xingli looked at Shi Shijun and said sarcastically: "your good sister, on the surface, has fallen in love with my brother, secretly raises a male pet, and she has slept with her bodyguard Mu Ting many times! Do you want to marry Ye family as a granddaughter? Wishful thinking, I Pooh

Ye Xingli spat hard and raised his hand: "smash! Smash it! What happened when I didn't eat? There is not enough movement! "

"Ye Xingli, you have gone too far!" Wu Qizhen screamed: "somebody, call the police. Come on, call the police for me!"

"Don't call the police!" Shi Shijun's face is so blue that he stares at Shi Xiling and asks, "is what Xiao Li says true?"

Shi Xiling shook her head in a panic: "no No, there is a misunderstanding... "

They are brothers and sisters. No one knows better than Shi Shijun what Shi Xiling is like when he lies.

Shi Shijun's eyes turned black and almost fainted. He raised his hand and slapped Shi Xiling in the face. "Shi Xiling, why are you so shameless? Are you trying to kill the whole family? "

Shi Xiling was staggered and fell to the ground. She just fell on a broken vase. The sharp vase fragments crossed her left face and cut a long hole. All of a sudden, she was bleeding. , the fastest update of the webnovel!