You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 556

He tried to stop, ye Xingli dodged and pulled harder.

"Little uncle!" Sapling suddenly ran in crying, rushed into Ye Xingli's arms and put his arms around Ye Xingli's neck.

Ye Xingli, afraid of hurting the saplings, stops.

"What's the matter with you, little uncle?" The sapling raised his hand and wiped the blood of Ye Xing from the corner of his mouth. He fell like a bead with tears broken.

"My little uncle made a mistake." Ye Xingli's face is badly swollen and he doesn't speak clearly.

He didn't want to let sapling see his embarrassed appearance. He pressed sapling's face into his arms. "Sapling doesn't cry, uncle doesn't hurt."

"It hurts, it hurts!" Little sapling struggled to get out of his arms and looked tearfully at Gu Junzhu: "Dad, don't beat my little uncle, OK? My little uncle knew that he was wrong, and my mother said that if he knew that he was wrong, it would be good for him to persuade and educate him, instead of corporal punishment. "

Gu Jun's cold face was a bit warm, and he waved to the sapling: "come here."

Little sapling looked at Ye Xingli and hesitated for a moment. Finally, he came to Gu Junzhu's side, nestled in Gu Junzhu's arms and asked in a low voice: "Dad, how about not beating my little uncle? My little uncle is the best to my mother and the tree. "

In the days when he didn't see Gu Junzhu, ye Xingli played the role of father in his mind.

Although Ye Xingli is a little childish, lively and unstable, he loves saplings most except ye Xingbei.

Although Ye Xingli is a dandy of many people, he is not very reliable, but he can give the saplings warmth and security.

Children's mind is very simple, love him, is a good man.

Before Gu Junzhu appeared, the most important people in the world of saplings were ye Xingbei and ye Xingli.

At the moment, see ye Xingli hurt his face, sapling feel his face and heart are painful.

He didn't know what heartache was, but he knew that it was very hard for him to see his little uncle hurt.

Seeing my uncle kneeling on the ground, he felt very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

He didn't understand why.

Isn't he a family with his uncle and his parents?

Why does the little uncle kneel down to his father and beat himself?

Dad seems to be very angry with his little uncle. Who can he help?

Gu Jun touched the little head of the sapling one by one, looked at ye Xinglan and ye Xingli, and said faintly, "go back. It's up to her to decide whether ye Xiaobei will go to see your father or not. When she wakes up, I'll inform you to see her."

He put sapling's face in his arms, raised his hand to lift the blanket on Ye Xingbei's body, lifted up one corner of her nightgown, revealed the whip marks on her body, looked coldly at the brothers and said, "look clearly, this is what ye family owes her! When she wakes up, if she wants to go to Ye's house with you, it's her virgin white lotus. She's soft hearted and can't be saved. If she doesn't want to, it's natural and natural! "

Looking at Ye Xingbei's mouth torn by the whip, ye Xingli takes a breath. He wants to rush to the master's house and crush Wu Qizhen to pieces!

Ye Xinglan don't open your eyes, just feel embarrassed.

The brothers have no face to stay any longer and leave gujia manor.

Ye Xingli is not on the car of Ye Xinglan.

He didn't drive himself. He got into Zhenqi's car and called zhenchu in another car: "call someone! To be able to fight! Call all the people who are in my charge, and we'll meet in front of the teacher's house in 20 minutes. "

Shock Chu a little confused, hesitated to ask: "young master, so many people go to the teacher's home to do?"

"Home hunting!" Spit out two words ferociously, leaf star left to throw mobile phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!