You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 555

"If it's a fruit that will never bear," Gu Jun said coldly, "the fact before you is that ye Xiaobei was sent to a prostitute's house by your parents. She suffered a lot and her life is not like death."

"Not so..." Ye Xinglan anxiously distinguishes: "Beibei was sent to the prostitute house by Wu Qizhen. My parents and they..."

"Is there a difference?" Gu Junzhu interrupted him, "if it wasn't for your parents, would the teachers have the ability to take Beibei quietly?"

Gu Junzhu finally agreed to look up at him, his eyes were very contemptible: "do you know how your parents took Ye Xiaobei? They are using Ye Xiaobei's trust in them! Ye Xiaobei treats them as benefactors and relatives, and has no defense against them. However, they use Ye Xiaobei's kindness and trust to hurt Ye Xiaobei! Do you know what your parents call it? It's called a villain

Ye Xinglan opened his mouth and wanted to say something. Standing beside him, ye Xingli didn't say anything. "Putong" knelt down beside the bed, raised his hand and slapped himself heavily. He bowed his head and said: "brother five, I apologize to you and Beibei on behalf of my parents Although there is no evidence, my father is sure that my uncle was killed by Jiang Zhengxing. He hates Jiang Zhengxing. He thinks Beibei is Jiang Zhengxing's daughter, so he doesn't like Beibei either. "

"Over the years, my father has been sick and biased. Apart from caring about his family, he is indifferent to other things and people."

"Wu Qizhen showed my parents the picture of Shi Xiying after she was injured. She cried in front of my parents and said that Beibei had tortured Shi Xiying like the one in the picture because of a small matter."

"Wu Qizhen and my mother are handkerchief friends. My mother trusts her very much. They believe what Wu Qizhen said. They don't like Beibei at all. They think that since Beibei is Jiang Zhengxing's daughter, there must be blood as cold and vicious as Jiang Zhengxing. Wu Qizhen's words seem to confirm my parents' conjecture about Beibei."

"In the future, the Shijia and the Yejia are going to be parents in law. They don't want the relationship between the Shijia and the Yejia to be affected by Beibei, so they cheat Beibei and give Beibei to Wu Qizhen, but..."

Ye Xingli looked up at Gu Junzhu: "but brother five, I can assure you that my parents thought Wu Qizhen would teach Beibei a lesson and make Beibei suffer some flesh and blood. They never thought that Wu Qizhen would be so vicious and send Beibei to a prostitute's house But I know, I didn't expect that it's not the reason. If it's wrong, it's wrong. Let's admit it. But let's see that my father is my brother. Now I'm in a coma and I'm still thinking about uncle and Beibei. When Beibei wakes up, let Beibei go back to see my father. "

He looked at Ye Xingbei on the hospital bed and took a deep breath, "thousands of mistakes are all my fault. If I could tell my parents about Beibei's life experience earlier, today's thing would not happen. Sorry, brother five, I'll make amends for you and Beibei!"

He made amends, raised his hand and slapped himself in the face.

He made full use of his strength and showed no mercy. After a few slaps, a handsome face swelled up and was covered with palmprint. His nostrils and corners of his mouth were dripping blood.

"Xiao Li!" Ye Xingli's every slap is like hitting ye Xinglan's heart. Ye Xinglan's heart is full of pain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!