You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 496

She has two bodyguards, one is snow, the other is rain.

When she returned home, the two people were supposed to accompany her. As a result, there was a little problem with Yunuo's visa and she didn't come back with her.

When Yunuo's visa is completed, ye Xinglan tells her that he has a task assigned to Yunuo, and asks him to do it on his behalf, so that Yunuo can stay in country y for a longer time.

Although I don't understand why there are so many people under Ye Xinglan who have to let Yu Nuo do things for him, the awe of Ye Xinglan formed over time makes her dare to say nothing except agree.

She didn't expect that it had been done for several months.

And rain as if disappeared in general, mobile phone off, she has been unable to contact.

She worried about rain, asked ye Xinglan, ye Xinglan said he told rain to do a secret mission, inconvenient to contact the outside world.

Ye Xingbei is afraid to delay ye Xinglan's business, and he doesn't dare to ask more, so he has been waiting.

I'm sure her brother will not harm Yunuo.

However, she is really curious, what is the task, so many people under brother LAN can't do it, they have to promise rain?

Snow and rain have been with her for more than five years, they get along day and night, as early as relatives in general.

Although snow and rain are her slaves in name, and emotionally, for her, snow and rain are the most important people.

Thinking of seeing raino soon, joy's depression was swept away.

She excitedly told snow: "snow, you drive faster, we still have time to pick up rain, he saw us to pick up, must be very surprised."

"Yes, miss." Snow and rain grew up together, more pro than brothers, separated for a few months, finally can meet again, naturally very happy, the car accelerated, toward the direction of the airport.

They were lucky. When they got to the airport, they just saw raino coming out of the airport exit with his suitcase.

Ye Xingbei excitedly ran towards him and waved to him: "Yunuo, here!"

Yunuo followed the sound and stopped.

Ye Xingbei rushed to him, "Yunuo, long time no see, you are here!"

After saying hello, she suddenly felt something wrong and looked up and down at Yunuo: "Yunuo, why are you so thin? What mission did my brother put you on? The task of not giving food? "

Yu Nuo's face turned white and his body was tense. He lowered his head and called, "miss."

Ye Xingbei saw that he was not in the right state. He raised his hand with concern and wanted to try the temperature on his forehead: "Yunuo, what's the matter with you? Is he ill? "

The palm of her hand had not yet fallen on Yunuo's forehead, so it was knocked off by Yunuo.

Rain Nuo staggers back a few steps, face white, body slightly shaking.

A moment later, when he regained his consciousness and knew what he had done, he knelt down subconsciously and shook his head in confusion: "sorry, miss, I didn't mean to I... "

"What are you doing, yuno?" Ye Xingbei rushed to help him, "get up quickly, what does it look like to be seen!"

Her hand held her arm, trying to lift her up from the ground.

Yunuo's body is as tight as a sculpture, his teeth are biting and his hands are clenched tightly into fists, as if he is trying to control something.

Ye Xingbei see him like this, heart flustered can't, call snow to help, together with him back to the car. , the fastest update of the webnovel!