You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 497

Sitting in the car, rain has a sweat, the body to the corner of the car, desperately want to avoid the appearance of Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei was flustered and confused. He retreated to the farthest place from Yunuo: "Yunuo, what's the matter with you?"

After a long time, Yu Nuo gradually calmed down and shook his head: "Miss, I, I'm ok."

"Are you ok?" The leaf Star North brow wrinkles of dead tight, "you this seem to be all right of appearance?"

Snow just shook his head: "Miss, I, I'm really OK!"

Ye Xingbei is helpless and tells snow: "hurry up, don't go back to the company, go back to the villa."

"Yes, madam." Snow worried look at rain, car speed up, toward Gu's villa and go.

Half an hour later, the car drove into Gu's villa.

The housekeeper said, "young lady, why did you come back at this time? Would you like to eat at home? "

"Well," Ye Xingbei pointed to Yu Nuo: "his name is Yu Nuo, and he is my bodyguard. He will live with Xue Nuo in the future. Yu Nuo is introverted. You should pay more attention to him."

"All right," answered the housekeeper respectfully, "don't worry, miss."

Ye Xingbei said to snow again: "snow, you take rain to take a bath, change clothes, eat something, and then come to the living room to find me. I have something to say to you."

Snow Gong voice should be, wait for Ye Xing North into the living room, he just accompany you rain to the bodyguard building.

On the way, he tried to touch Yunuo. He found that Yunuo resisted his touch just as he resisted the touch of a young lady.

They grew up together. When they were young, they had to sleep in a quilt. All of a sudden, raino became like this. He was very worried.

Ye Xingbei walks into the living room, takes out his mobile phone and calls ye Xinglan.

Ye Xinglan, who has returned to the Y country, answers the phone ten thousand miles away, "Beibei, what's up?"

Ye Xing opened the door to the north to see the mountain and asked directly, "brother LAN, what mission did you send Yunuo to carry out? Why did he lose so much weight and have mental problems? As soon as I approached him, he turned pale and trembled. What happened to him? "

Ye Xinglan hesitated for a moment, apologized and said: "Beibei, I'm sorry. I'm afraid you're worried. I haven't told you that when Yunuo helped me with my work, something happened and I was captured."

Ye Xingbei exclaimed: "captured?"

"Yes," ye Xinglan said, "after he was captured, he suffered a little, so he had some mental problems."

He went to a psychologist to treat Yu Nuo. After treatment, he sent Yu Nuo to Ye Xingbei.

How to Beibei side, relapse again?

"Suffered a little?" Looking at the appearance of rain, it doesn't look like having suffered a little. Ye Xingbei is very distressed. He clenched his fist and asked: "who? Who captured raino? "

Kill to pay for life, debt to pay money, rain Nuo's suffering can not be in vain!

Ye Xinglan said: "Beibei, who is the other party? You don't have to ask. It's a matter of major events between the two families. It's confidential. I can't tell you. I'm also very sad that Yunuo was imprisoned. But now that he has been rescued, I'll take revenge on him. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it any more."

On the other side of the mobile phone, it seems that someone called him. He said in a hurry, "Beibei, I have something urgent to do now. We'll get in touch later."

Don't wait for ye Xingbei to talk, hang up.

Ye Xingbei is holding his mobile phone, his face flushed with anger.

What is this?

Her bodyguard was bullied like that, and would not even tell her who the other party was. , the fastest update of the webnovel!