You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 495

"It's not me who drives you away, it's me who can't take care of you. If you stay in your hometown for a while, I'll send you money on time." Zhang Heyuan pushed her away and walked forward without looking back.

Zhang's mother wanted to chase her, but she faltered and fell to the ground.

She screamed, but Zhang Heyuan didn't look back.

She called out Zhang Heyuan's name, but Zhang Heyuan didn't seem to hear it. She walked farther and farther, crossed the road and disappeared into the crowd.

Mother Zhang is flustered.

Zhang Heyuan has always been filial and obedient to her. What she says is what she says.

Even when he loves Joey the most, Zhang Heyuan persuades Joey to be filial to her and tolerate her.

But just now, she fell to the ground, Zhang Heyuan is indifferent, this is her son?

She just didn't want Joey to give birth to her son's baby, and she didn't want Joey to climb on her head. How could it be like this?

She struggled to get up from the ground, only to find that her ankle hurt and she couldn't make any effort, like a broken bone.

She was so flustered that she took out her cell phone and called Zhang Heyuan.

Zhang Heyuan's mobile phone turned off!

Listening to the tip of "the mobile phone you dialed has been turned off" from the mobile phone, she was shivering and cold.

Her son Does her son want her?


in the car.

Joey stopped crying so easily that he looked out of the car window. "Little aunt, where are we going?"

Ye Xingbei said, "go to your uncle's house."

A timid look flashed across joy's face.

She hesitated, bit her lip and shook her head: "little aunt, I don't want to go."

Ye Xingbei was slightly surprised: "what's the matter?"

Joey bowed his head and looked ashamed: "little aunt, I'm too embarrassed now. I don't want to see my uncle and ah Zui like this Little aunt, I want to calm down. Please send me to Jiangda. I have a dormitory in Jiangda. "

Ye Xingbei hesitated a little and nodded: "good."

Although Joey called her "little aunt", there was no relationship between her and Joey.

She has no right to make any decisions on behalf of Joey.

She told snow, "snow, go to Jiangda."

Snow answered, and the car turned into another street.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of Jiangda.

Before getting out of the car, Joey held Ye Xingbei's hand and said, "little aunt, thank you for helping me. Please tell my little uncle and a Zui that I will change my ways. I will listen to them in the future. When I clean myself up, I will go to see my grandfather and uncle and make amends for them."

Ye Xingbei nodded: "OK, if you need any help, please call me at any time."

"Thank you, little aunt!" Joey hugged her: "it's still my little uncle's vision, to find you so beautiful and so kind-hearted, I will listen to my little uncle's words, change the past and be a new man."

Ye Xingbei laughs, "it's not that serious. People often say that youth is so long, who can't meet a few scum? It's lucky to be able to cut the mess quickly and stop the loss in time. You don't have to be too sad. Time can heal all the wounds and everything will be fine! "

"Well," Joey released her, got out of the car and waved to her, "goodbye, little aunt. Be careful on the way."

When the car restarts, ye Xingbei looks at the time, "snow, rain's plane is 12 noon?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!