You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 494

At the beginning, he racked his brains and made great efforts to catch Joey.

He really loves Joey.

Joey is his pride.

Jiangcheng's most beautiful school flower became his wife, but he didn't know how much joy and pride he had hidden in his heart.

He didn't know how many people he admired these years, but now he has become a joke.

And it was his mother who caused all this.

He closed his eyes in despair and signed his name on the divorce agreement with trembling hands.

Zhang's mother opened her mouth to stop her, but remembering Gu Chi's words about calling the police, she swallowed them again.

Gu Chi pulled the divorce agreement signed by Zhang Heyuan and gave it to the bodyguard to let them go through the formalities.

He put out his hand and patted Heyuan's face. "You should be glad that our young master loves our watch girl and doesn't want to make it big. Otherwise, your fate will be more than that!"

After that, he got up and went away.

Zhang Heyuan sat on the ground for a long time, stood up wobbly and left the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Son Mother Zhang caught up with him in panic and grabbed his clothes: "son, you gave the house to Joey, where shall we live in the future?"

She can read.

She read the divorce agreement clearly.

Joey shared so much of her property that she felt the same pain as cutting her flesh, but she was afraid to go to prison and didn't dare to say a word against it.

Zhang Heyuan shook off her hand, "go back to your hometown."

"What?" Mother Zhang opened her eyes: "I'm just a son like you. Do you want me to go back to my hometown? Who will support me when I go back to my hometown? "

Zhang Heyuan said: "I will send money to you every month But it may not be much. After all, I can't protect myself now. "

"No! No way Zhang's mother shook her head in a panic and grabbed Zhang Heyuan's arm in fright: "son, you can't do this to me! You didn't have a father since you were a child. I'm the one who pulled you up. You can't be filial to me! "

"How do you want me to be filial to you?" Zhang Heyuan turned around and looked at her coldly: "if it wasn't for you, Yiyi and I would live in love, she would give me some children, I would spoil them, protect them, and be the happiest family in the world!"

"But what did you do?" Zhang Heyuan's indifferent expression gradually turned into indignation: "do you know that when you steal the contraceptives for Yi Yi, what you cut off is not only Yi Yi's right to be a mother, but also my right to be a father!"

"Do you know how many people envy me when I marry Yi? Do you know how many children I want to have with Yi?"

"Do you think you only hurt Yi? No, I'm the one you hurt the most

Zhang Heyuan beat his chest desperately and roared: "the person you hurt the most is not Joey, but your own son Zhang Heyuan! Yi Yi's family is right. You are a pervert, you are crazy, you... "

"Pa" a clear slap in the face, interrupted Zhang Heyuan's words.

Zhang's mother sat down on the ground and wailed: "what's my life? I raised my son through all kinds of hardships. As long as my wife doesn't want to kiss her mother, she yells at her mother for the sake of a woman. I'm a widow. How can you be so heartless when I raise you up? You... "

Zhang Heyuan looked at her coldly for a moment, didn't speak any more, turned around and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!