You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 480

But thinking of her brother's disappointment and heartbreaking roar yesterday, she suddenly understood.

What does she pretend?

Her grandfather, little uncle and younger brother are all the people who love her most in the world.

I broke up with her because they were mad at her for being stupid.

Now, she has learned a lesson. As long as she apologizes, her grandfather and uncle will forgive her.

Even if you don't forgive her, it doesn't matter. She will use the rest of her life to be filial to her grandfather and uncle and try her best to compensate.

She admitted that when she was young, she was wrong.

She has paid a heavy price for her mistake, she should correct it in time, stop loss in time.

She doesn't want to be wrong any more.

Joey checks out and leaves the coffee shop with Ye Xingbei.

Snow drive, more than ten minutes later, two people into maternal and child health care hospital.

Qiao Zui sends the maternal ward number to Ye Xingbei's mobile phone, and tells her that the child has been born and is a girl.

Ye Xingbei and Joey find the ward where the lying in woman is. Before they enter the door, they hear the noise coming from the ward.

"Son? How is it a daughter? " The middle-aged woman's voice was angry and sharp: "I gave you more than 500000 yuan, but I didn't want you to give me a granddaughter! Isn't that grandson? "

Joey stood outside the door, looking at the middle-aged woman in the ward with cold eyes, "she is Zhang Heyuan's mother."

Zhang's mother's voice was almost roaring, and ye Xingbei heard it clearly, "don't you have to check? This is Zhang Heyuan's child, isn't it? "

If it's really cousin Zhang Heyuan's child, she's an outsider. What's the relationship between giving birth to boys and girls and her?

Despite his psychological preparation, Joey couldn't take it.

She clenched her fist, her body trembled violently, her hands and feet were cold, as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her eyes were black.

For Zhang Heyuan, she lost too much.

That year, she just graduated from University, just at the age of blooming flowers.

She refused many pursuers and decided to enter the palace of marriage with Zhang Heyuan.

Her grandfather objected to her marriage with Zhang Heyuan. She was in pain and wronged. She endured tears like stripping flesh and blood. She kowtowed to her grandfather and married Zhang Heyuan regardless of everyone's opposition.

At that time, she naively thought that both grandfather and uncle were wrong.

She knows her love.

She firmly believes that Zhang Heyuan will be her lover all her life. They will help each other and love each other all their lives.

When she gave birth to a child and lived in love with Zhang Heyuan, her grandfather knew that her choice was right and would forgive her and accept her again.

However, it backfired.

After she got married, she didn't have a baby. Zhang's mother was more and more mean to her, and she was getting worse every day.

She's getting less and less happy.

More and more unhappy.

She vaguely understood that it was not her grandfather and little uncle who was wrong, but her.

It's just that she's afraid to admit it.

She kept hypnotizing herself with the sentence she read in the book The road you choose, even kneeling, you have to finish it.

She always advised herself to bear with it and bear with it again, just to have a baby.

But now?

Reality slapped her in the face.

It's time for her to wake up.

She reached out to open the door of the ward and was about to go in when she heard a crisp sound of "Ding Dang Dang". , the fastest update of the webnovel!