You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 479

Ye Xingbei was relieved: "that's good."

She was afraid of Joey's obstinacy. She was so stupid that even if Zhang Heyuan and other women had children, she was willing to raise children for Zhang Heyuan and other women.

If that's the case, she will be disgusted, not to mention Gu and Gu.

Seeing the firmness in Joey's eyes, it doesn't seem like saying it. Ye Xingbei thinks that Gu Jun's pursuit of this niece is not hopeless.

"Xiao Qiao said that the pregnant woman had a Caesarean birth in the maternal and child health care hospital this morning," Ye Xingbei asked, "how about I go with you now? Whether the child belongs to Zhang Heyuan or his cousin, we have to find out. "

"Do you have a cesarean section this morning?" Joey clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "OK, let's go and have a look."

It turns out that the pregnant woman had a planed delivery this morning.

But Zhang Heyuan didn't tell her!

If that child is really Zhang Heyuan's cousin's child, why does Zhang Heyuan want to keep it from her when she is doing abdominal labor?

In addition, Zhang Heyuan said that he had something to do these days. He went to Fengcheng on a business trip and could not come back until about a week later.

Did he really go to Windy City?


Joey closed his eyes and didn't dare think about it any more.

Yesterday, she had a big fight with Joe.

Qiao Zui said that Zhang Heyuan surrogate a child outside, she didn't believe it at all.

What's more, she knew that the child was Zhang Heyuan's cousin's child. How could it be Zhang Heyuan's?

She felt that Qiao Zui was biased against Zhang Heyuan. In addition, the relationship between her sister and brother was very stiff. She wanted to have a good talk with her brother, but without a few words, she quarreled and broke up.

Last night, Zhang Heyuan didn't go home.

She didn't sleep all night and thought about it for a long time.

She felt that she was too impulsive.

No matter her grandfather, little uncle or her brother, they all love her and care about her.

Her brother doesn't invent things like that.

In case

What if it's true?

She couldn't imagine how she would accept the fact.

She thought all night, until dawn, she finally figured it out.

If it is true, she will divorce Zhang Heyuan.

After the divorce, she will return the humiliation and grievances she suffered in Zhangjia for more than three years!

After she married Zhang Heyuan, Zhang's mother urged her to have a baby.

When she didn't get pregnant, Zhang's mother accused sang of scolding Huai and treating her as a servant, deliberately grinding her.

She wants to move out with Zhang Heyuan. Zhang Heyuan coaxes her every time, saying that it's not easy for his mother to bring him up alone. He must show filial piety to his mother and let her bear it again.

Zhang Heyuan has a good attitude. He speaks softly every time. He is very patient.

She loves Zhang Heyuan, and she doesn't want Zhang Heyuan to be trapped between her and her mother. Every time, she has to swallow her anger and compromise.

But with the passage of time, Zhang's mother not only did not converge, but intensified.

Looking at the sunrise rising out of the window, the past of more than three years flashed through her mind one by one, and she suddenly thought that even if there was no surrogacy, she probably couldn't bear it for long.

The relationship between her and Zhang Heyuan had been lost in Zhang Heyuan's indulgence and concession to his mother.

She has been trying her best to bear it again and again, but she wants to create the illusion that she is very happy. She wants to tell her grandfather, her little uncle, her younger brother, and all the relatives and friends who opposed her and Zhang Heyuan at the beginning. Her choice is right. She and Zhang Heyuan are very happy together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!