You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 481

Her footstep stops, follow the voice to see past, a face startled Zhang Heyuan is nervous to lose color of looking at her.

At his feet, is a dripping chicken soup insulation bucket.

"Yi Yi Yi Zhang Heyuan stammered nervously: "Why are you here?"

Joey turned to look at him and said sarcastically, "didn't you go to Windy City? How do you serve the confinement here? "

"No No Zhang Heyuan shook his head and tried to calm himself down. With a gentle and elegant smile on his face, he went to Joey's side: "Yiyi, I was in Fengcheng yesterday. No, my cousin's surrogate child is about to be born. He is afraid that his cousin will be suspicious and dare not take care of the lying in woman. He called me and asked me to help. I had to come here."

"Is it?" "It's your cousin's child," Joey sneered at him

"Of course!" Zhang Heyuan nodded nervously: "Yi Yi, what's the matter with you? Don't you know that for a long time? My cousin always wanted to have a son. My cousin was in poor health and couldn't give birth. So my cousin hid it from my cousin and found a surrogate... "

"Zhang Heyuan!" Joey suddenly broke out and gave Zhang Heyuan a hard slap in the face, gritting his teeth: "you dare to do, dare not recognize, what kind of man are you?"

"Joey, are you crazy?" The door of the ward is open. When Zhang's mother sees that Joey slaps Zhang Heyuan in the face, she is very angry. She rushes over and reaches out to push Joey.

Snow has been on guard for a long time. She goes forward to protect Ye Xingbei and Joey, and reaches for Zhang's mother's wrist.

Zhang's mother screamed and felt that her wrist hurt as if it was going to be broken.

Zhang Heyuan was shocked, "Yi Yi, what are you doing? Let him go now

He rushed over and pushed snow.

Ye Xingbei called: "snow."

Snow released Zhang's mother and stepped back to her side.

Ye Xingbei pushes aside Zhang's mother at the door, leads Joey's hand into the ward and looks back at Zhang Heyuan's mother and son: "come in and say, you don't want to be shameful, we want to be shameless!"

There is no shortage of spectators everywhere, and hospitals are no exception.

A slap and a scream have attracted many people.

Zhang's mother felt that the bone of her hand was breaking. She stood at the door and said, "ah yuan, come on, call the police! Your wife is crazy, fight and kill, call the police and catch her! "

Looking tired, Zhang Heyuan pushed her into the room and closed the door: "Mom, keep your voice down!"

Zhang Mu Qi bit his teeth: "you are used to it! I dare to hit you now. Will you hit me again in the future? "

Zhang Heyuan pleaded for general advice: "Mom, please say less!"

Zhang's mother refused to shut up.

Joey took a look at the flustered woman on the bed and the baby lying beside her. Then he went to see Zhang Heyuan with a cold face: "Zhang Heyuan, you and I have nothing to say. Divorce."

After that, she walked out.

She no longer needs to prove whose child this woman gave birth to.

Even if it is Zhang Heyuan's cousin, she will divorce Zhang Heyuan.

She has had enough of these days.

I don't want to go on for a day.

What's more, the child is Zhang Heyuan's.

She suddenly felt sick.

He mistook a hypocrite with good looks for his lover, and failed to live up to his family's love for her for the sake of such inconsistencies.

She is blind.

Today, she deserves it!

"Yiyi! Let me explain! " Zhang Heyuan reached for joy in a panic: "Yi Yi, what's the matter with you? This child is really my cousin's. don't get me wrong. Let me explain to you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!