You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 478

the second day.

At 9:30 a.m., ye Xingbei met Joey in the first quarter of the moon.

Gu Junzhu is right. Joey is a beauty.

Beautiful melon face, willow eyebrows, eyes like stars, skin like jade, facial features like painting, delicate style, like the classical lady in the painting.

After seeing Joey, ye Xingbei thinks that Zhang Heyuan is either lame or mentally disabled.

Such a beautiful beauty is willing to live up to her. Her brain is either flooded or kicked by a donkey.

When Joey enters the first quarter moon, she sees Ye Xingbei waving to her. She goes to Ye Xingbei and asks tentatively Little aunt

Ye Xingbei was embarrassed, but he could only nod: "my name is Ye Xingbei, you can call me asterism."

"Little aunt," said Joey, ignoring her words directly, with a happy smile on his lips, "although I think you are too young, I still think you are my little aunt. After all, only a beautiful woman like you can be worthy of my little uncle. If you don't look good, you will be ashamed to stand beside my little uncle!"

Miss Qiao is not on the set, or "little aunt little aunt" called, ye Xingbei can only reluctantly answer: "you are also very beautiful, you and Little Joe look like, don't use honorifics, casually."

"Well," Joey said with a soft smile, "what would you like to drink, little aunt, I'll treat you."

Ye Xingbei did not refuse: "lemonade is OK."

Joey ordered two lemonade.

After chatting about trifles and getting to know each other, Joey hesitated and asked, "little aunt, did my uncle ask you to come?"

Her hand was holding the glass nervously and her eyes were full of expectation.

Ye Xingbei hesitated and nodded: "yes."

Gu Wuye, who is suspicious of integrity, must support her to support Joey.

It's just that I'm not willing to admit it.

Seeing that ye Xingbei hesitated for a moment, Joey was a little disappointed and lowered his eyes: "it's right that my grandfather and uncle don't forgive me. It's my unfilial..."

Ye Xing North see her beauty is beautiful, but now green and black, look haggard, visible recently had a bad time.

She sympathized with Joey and said, "they are all concerned about you."

Joey looked up at her and said with a smile, "little aunt, you are so beautiful. You are so gentle and understanding. You have a nice voice. It's soft and crisp. No wonder my little uncle likes you. Even I'm a woman. I'm so excited."

Ye Xingbei laughs, "you are exaggerating."

"I'm serious," Joey said with a smile of envy. "And my little aunt has a kind of unspeakable temperament. She comes out of the valley in an ethereal way. She doesn't touch the world. It makes people feel kind at first sight."

"You flatter me," said Ye Xingbei, embarrassed by the praise. He quickly changed the topic: "in fact, I asked you to meet today, mainly because Xiao Qiao asked me. He asked me to take you to the maternal and child health care hospital to see the child. He hoped that you would not escape and face all this bravely."

Joy's smile froze.

She lowered her eyes and the smile on her face faded away.

Ye Xingbei looked at her and said slowly: "Yi Yi, Xiao Qiao is worried about you. Maybe he said something cruel to you before, but you are close relatives. He will always be the one who cares about you most. He won't hurt you What do you think about Zhang Heyuan? "

Joey's eyes turned red. He bit his teeth and looked up at her: "little aunt, don't worry. If that child is really Zhang Heyuan's, I will divorce him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!