You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 477

Ye Xingbei glanced at him, ha ha: "yes, worry too much, it's easy to grow old, so why should I talk about him about the things between you and him?"

Joe is drunk

Although the little aunt is young, she is not easy to cheat!

"Well, little aunt, I suddenly remember that brother Yao has something to do with me. I'll go first. See you in the evening!" Joe put his hand on his lips and wanted to give him a kiss. Halfway through the action, he suddenly remembered who was sitting opposite him. He patted him on his mouth and ran away as fast as he could.

Ye Xingbei shakes his head and gives Gu Jun a headache.

Gu Jun Zhuo is right. There are many relatives and worries. No matter nephew or niece, they don't worry!

At night, coax the two children to sleep, take a bath and lie on the bed. Ye Xingbei tells Gu Junzhu about Qiao Zui's asking for her help.

After that, ye Xingbei asked him, "do you mind if I promise Xiao Qiao to help Joey?"

Gu Junzhu: "hmm? What did you just say? I didn't hear you

Ye Xing turns his mouth to the north.

What's that called again?

The mouth is not the body.

Forget it. She has a good temper and doesn't care about him.


She turned away, turned her back to Gu Junzhu, and closed her eyes.

She heard something behind her.

A moment later, something was put into her hand: "Ye Xiaobei, it's for you!"

Ye Xingbei opens his eyes.

Two black cards, no limit, just brush them.

Ye Xingbei said: "I look like I'm short of money?"

Gu Junzhu said, "can your and mine be the same?"

Ye Xingbei: "why is it different? Isn't it all money?"

"Of course it's not the same," Gu Junzhu said, "your money is earned by your hard work. When you spend it, you should feel sorry for it. My money is given away for nothing. If you don't spend it for nothing, you can spend it at will."

Ye Xingbei

It sounds reasonable.

Ye Xingbei fiddled with his bank card: "why did you suddenly think of sending me money?"

After asking, ye Xingbei had a flash in his brain Hard work? "

"What are you talking about?" Gu Wu Ye is awe inspiring: "does the husband still need a reason to give his wife money?"

Ye Xingbei rolled his eyes, ha ha: "you're happy!"

"Good boy Gu Jun kisses her, "it's too late today. I'll give you a surprise tomorrow!"

Ye Xingbei pushed away his restless hand: "I don't need any surprise, just don't scare me!"

Gu Jun pressed on her: "my family treasure is so virtuous, I must give it to her!"

Ye Xingbei pushed and twisted: "go away! What happened last night? We agreed, three times a week, one, three, five, today, Tuesday! "

Gu Jun kisses her: "when did you say that? Why don't I remember? How can I sign such an unequal treaty of humiliation and humiliation? Do you have any evidence? "

“……” Ye Xingbei is in a mess.

What evidence can there be for such a thing?

Is it difficult for her to turn on the jewel recorder and record what they said when the war is going on?

The clothes were taken off.

Ye Xing beat him: "Gu Junzhu, you don't mean what you say, you don't want to be shameful!"

Gu Junzhu seized her little hand and gave a kiss: "what do you want to face for at this time? Meat, of course

Ye Xingbei

Next time she will go to bed without waiting for the goods to come back!

If she waits for the goods to come back and she goes to bed, she's a pig! , the fastest update of the webnovel!