You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 476

Ye Xingbei, ha ha.

What do you know?

Ignorance is a blessing, children!

After Qiao touted Ye Xingbei, he pushed a post it note with a mobile phone number to Ye Xingbei. "Little aunt, this is my sister's mobile phone number. You ask her to meet tomorrow morning. Then you take her to the obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Jiangcheng maternal and child health care hospital. The child who is Zhang Heyuan's surrogate will have a cesarean section tomorrow morning, and the specific ward number I'll send it to your cell phone later. "

Ye Xingbei picked up the post it: "will she meet me?"

"Certainly," Qiao Zui did not doubt this: "she is just so strong, can't save face to see us, feel ashamed, but little aunt you didn't let her off cruel words, she didn't worry about you, she needs relatives now, after knowing your identity, she will want to see you very much."

Ye Xingbei nodded, "I understand So I'll call her now? "

Joe nodded and looked at him expectantly.

See such Qiao drunk, leaf Star North suddenly want a younger brother.

She broadcasted Joey's cell phone number and soon got through.

"Hello, is that Joey? I'm Ye Xingbei, "Ye Xingbei said to himself," I'm Gu Junzhu's wife. "

On the other side of the cell phone, Joey doubted his ears: "hello? You said you were... "

"Don't use honorifics," said Ye Xingbei with a smile. "Although I married your little uncle, I am younger than you. Now I am the director of Xinggong. You can call me director ye, or you can call me asterism."

Joey: "well Is it my little aunt? I'm sorry. I didn't expect my little aunt to call me. I didn't respond. What can I do for you, little aunt? "

“……” Ye Xingbei collapses.

Do you have to call her little aunt?

She said to call her director ye or asterism. Why is she so uncooperative?

Ye Xingbei chagrined and said, "it's nothing. I just knew you were in Jiangcheng. I thought, I married your little uncle. We are both in Jiangcheng, but we haven't met. So I want to see you. I don't know when you have time."

Joey's voice trembled, as if he could not restrain his inner excitement: "little aunt, I can do it any time."

Ye Xingbei said, "can we meet at nine o'clock tomorrow morning at the first quarter moon cafe?"

Joey immediately replied, "yes, little aunt."

Ye Xingbei said, "OK, I'll see you soon."

Hang up Joey's mobile phone, ye Xingbei asked Joe drunk: "did you mention me to her? She doesn't doubt my identity at all. "

"Well," said Joe, "I said that yesterday."

Ye Xing North pick eyebrow: "intentionally?"

Qiao Zuoyi drunk: "little aunt, you help my sister this time, for the rest of my life, my sister and I will be cattle and horses for you!"

Ye Xingbei speechless: "you are exaggerating."

Qiao Zui: "anyway, just talk about it casually, and you don't have to bear legal responsibility."

Ye Xingbei Get out of here

Joe drunk laugh, "well, little aunt, I'll go first, you remember to tell the kitchen, tonight I want to eat boiled fish, the most spicy kind!"

Ye Xingbei's cold face: "your little uncle said that you and Fang Yao have injuries. You can't eat spicy food. Go to him by yourself!"

Joe drunk and dejected: "so I don't like to live at home. I want to eat sour food outside, and spicy food if I want to. My little uncle cares what I eat at home! Little aunt, you have to take care of him. He worries too much. It's easy for him to grow old before he grows old, which will affect your happiness! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!