You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 475

Qiao drunk looking at Ye Xingbei, depressed said: "little aunt, yesterday after learning the truth, I went to my sister, told her everything I told her, but she didn't believe it."

"She said that she knew the surrogate woman. She said that the child in the woman's stomach was Zhang Heyuan's cousin."

Ye Xingbei frowned: "she just believes that man?"

"She believes that Zhang Heyuan is one reason, but she can't admit that it's another reason." Qiao Zui vomited sullenly: "at the beginning, in order to marry Zhang Heyuan, she broke away from her family and betrayed her relatives. Only when she had a good and happy life can she prove to us that her original choice was right."

"If Zhang Heyuan really conceals her and allows another woman to surrogate her child, it will prove that her original choice is wrong. What's her face?"

Ye Xingbei said: "but it's not the way for her to pretend to be stupid! When the child is born, Zhang Heyuan's cousin will find another excuse to say that it's not convenient to raise the child. Let them help. Isn't Joey going to help Zhang Heyuan raise the child? "

Qiao drunk sneer, "I see Zhang's fight is such an idea."

"Shameless!" Ye Xingbei scolded disgustedly and asked Qiao Zui: "so what do you want me to do for you?"

Qiao Zui said: "little aunt, the relationship between me and my elder sister was too stiff at the beginning. My elder sister was resistant to me. She resisted everything I said, so I want to ask my little aunt to help me go and talk to my elder sister."

"Me?" If you think of meeting with Joey, Joey, who is several years older than her, will call her little aunt. Ye Xingbei has a headache.

I don't know, I thought she was an old goblin, or had a plastic surgery or something!

Qiao Zui begged: "little aunt, please! There is a saying that no matter how capable you are, you can't wake up a person who pretends to sleep! If I go to talk to her, she will pretend to sleep in order to maintain her face. Although she is hateful, she is my own sister after all. I can't ignore her. "

Ye Xingbei pondered for a moment, "OK, I can help you, but I have a request."

Joe drunk immediately sat up straight body: "little aunt, you can say, as long as I can do it, there is no difference in water and fire!"

The leaf Star North mouth corner smoked to smoke, "not so serious! We're just making a small deal. I'll help you persuade Joey that you and your sister don't call me little aunt in the future. You can call me asterism, or director ye, or you can call me all by my name. That's to say, don't call me little aunt. "

"No! I dare not, I am afraid of my little uncle Qiao Zui shook his head like a rattle, and said pitifully: "little aunt, for the sake of me and my sister who are poor children without parents, don't embarrass me! I beg you, please help me

Ye Xingbei

So is the family man's thick skinned family origin?

Although Xiao Qiao, a classmate with a peerless beauty, is quite pleasant to be spoiled, but when she is spoiled by a man a few years older than her, ye Xingbei still feels goose bumps all over her body.

She made a stop sign: "you win! I'll help you! "

More and more she understood what was going on in the world.

It's the old saying, thick skinned, enough to eat.

She was thin skinned, so she was taken by her nephew and uncle.

The poor look on Joe's drunken face suddenly turned into a happy smile, "little aunt, I knew that if you could take my little uncle down, you must be not an ordinary person! If nothing else, my little aunt's soul must be the beauty of conquering the whole world , the fastest update of the webnovel!