You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 474

Ye Xingbei Shut up

Soon, ye Xingbei had no strength to shout.

After a long time, when she was sent to the cloud by the fierce man, she thought faintly, sure enough, consolation is unnecessary.

For Gu Wu ye, there is no trouble that can't be solved in bed.

Well, Mr. Gu is in good spirits again. Her waist is about to break!

No matter how deep Gu was, she would not pity him.

The one who is more pitiful is herself!


the next day, after breakfast, ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu went to the school where they sent saplings and Ling Yue.

Being sent to school by mom and dad is one of the proudest and happiest things for saplings.

Such a simple thing can make sapling happy and excited. Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei are naturally willing to satisfy him.

Send xiaoshumiao and Lingyue to school. Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei separate in front of the school and go to their respective companies.

After arriving at the Star Palace, ye Xingbei was busy for more than an hour, and the inner line rang.

Secretary Xiao Tao reported that a Mr. Qiao, who claimed to be her nephew, was looking for him at the front desk downstairs.

Nephew, Mr. Joe?

Joe drunk?

Leaf star north corner of the mouth smoked to smoke, "let him come in."

Hang up, she's a little confused.

What does Joe want from her?

She doesn't like to deal with Joe at all.

Because she didn't like to hear Joe call her little aunt!

Soon, Xiao Tao brings Joe drunk in, brings coffee and goes out.

Qiao Zui sat down opposite Ye Xing's north and looked around: "little aunt, your office is really good. It's large, fresh and elegant. It's no worse than my little uncle's office."

"Is it?" Ye Xingbei was hit by his "little aunt" and forced to smile, "Xiao Qiao, what can I do for you?"

"Well, something's up," said Joe, putting his coffee cup on the table and sipping his lower lip with a serious look on his face Little aunt, did my little uncle tell you about my sister? "

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "yes."

Joe coughed uncomfortably, "little aunt, actually I'm here today I want to ask you a favor. "

"Ask me for help?" Ye Xingbei doubts: "about Joey?"

"Yes," Qiao Zui's face flashed a little irritable: "my sister's character, soft outside and hard inside, stubborn very, also don't love face, when she wanted to marry Zhang Heyuan, our family were against, I had a big fight with her, even if she dared to marry Zhang Heyuan, I would not recognize her sister, but she married."

"After she married Zhang Heyuan, our sister and brother broke up contact. We haven't seen each other for more than three years, and we haven't called."

"Before I came to Jiangcheng, I was determined. I didn't care about her. She loved life and death. She found it by herself. It had nothing to do with me whether she was good or bad."

At this point, he said with a wry smile, "but when I found out that Zhang Heyuan cheated her and had a surrogate child with another woman outside, I was so angry that I wanted to kill Zhang Heyuan, and I felt sorry for her being unfaithful."

He sighed, looking at Ye Xingbei and said: "little aunt, I now accept my life. She is my elder sister. No matter how she is not a thing, she is also my elder sister who loves me and grows up with me. If she has a good life and a happy life, I can really live with her, but if she lives like this, I can't ignore her."

"I understand!" Ye Xingbei nodded, "but what can I do for you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!