You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 473

Gu Junzhu sneered, "it's Joe who is drunk. I don't care about Joey's affairs. I'm only responsible for keeping the news secret. Don't let my father know. After all, the old man is old. If he knows this, he may get sick again."

"The paper can't hold fire," Ye Xingbei said anxiously, "Gu needs to know sooner or later. It's better to deal with the matter well before Gu knows it. With a better result, Gu is less hit."

Gu Jun said softly, "what's the good result? At this point, there are two results. First, he divorced Zhang Heyuan and shared half of his property. The second is to be a cheap mother and help Zhang Heyuan raise children. "

He's really afraid that Joey won't get it. He'll choose the second one.

Otherwise, if you are known by the old man, you will be spitting blood again.

Who can bear to be spoiled by others?

"I hope Joey can get a divorce," Ye Xingbei said. "If Joey and Zhang Heyuan can get a divorce and start a new life, even if Gu knows, it won't be a big blow to Gu."

Ye xingbeidun said: "I think Gu has already been psychologically prepared. Since the day when Joey decided to marry Zhang Heyuan, Gu has already been psychologically prepared. Joey's marriage will not be happy. If she divorces, she will get rid of the bitter sea and untie Gu's heart knot. Gu will be happy."

"The divorce rate is too high now. Anyway, there are no children. There is no big difference between divorced women and unmarried women. Just let Joey start all over again and learn a lesson. She will make progress."

Gu Jun by pillow palm, lazy said: "let Joe drunk to do, anyway, her things, I will not tube."

"Well," Ye Xingbei rubbed his head, "well, since you've decided to let Joe get drunk, and you don't care, don't worry. Be happy. When the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight. With the solid backing of family care and Joe getting drunk, Joey's future will not be bad anyway. Don't worry about it."

"Who said I was worried?" Gu five Ye mouth hard, "I don't worry at all, OK?"

Ye Xingbei thinks that Gu Wuye's tough and soft-hearted appearance is quite lovely. He tilts his head and laughs at him: "you don't worry that your whole person is wrong. Your mouth is closed so tightly that you won't say a redundant word?"

Gu Junzhu stared at her for a while, then suddenly rushed over and crushed her. "Honey, you observe me so carefully, don't you fall in love with me?"

"Don't stink!" Ye Xingbei spat at him, "if you are good to me, I will be good to you. If you solve my troubles for me, I also have the responsibility to solve your problems for you! I have professional ethics

"Yes Gu Jun took off her clothes: "honey, since you have such professional ethics, do your duty as soon as possible! We can try some new tricks tonight, baby, you must give full play to your professional ethics

Ye Xingbei Go away

Gu Junzhu hugged her: "honey, you suck me too tight, I can't leave!"

Ye Xingbei's face turned red: "you, you, you, what are you talking about? Shut up

"What did I say?" Gu Wuye said innocently, "the opposite sex attracts each other. You suck me too tightly. Where do you want to go, baby? Ah You don't want to go down there, do you? Tut Tut, baby, you are so dirty! I didn't expect you to be such a director Ye! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!