You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 472

"Although Joey is raised under my father's knee, she is a girl. I don't have much contact with Joey and I don't have much feelings. She was angry that my father vomited blood and nearly killed my father. I was only angry with her and even less emotional."

Ye Xingbei nodded: "I understand."

If it was her, she would do the same as Gu Junzhu.

Who would recognize a niece who almost angered his father to death?

"What about Joey?" Ye Xingbei asked: "she did not try to ease the relationship with Gu Lao, ask Gu Lao's forgiveness?"

Gu Junzhu said: "just two years after marriage, I gave my father a new year gift. My father didn't let her in and didn't leave anything. Since then, I haven't contacted us any more."

Ye Xingbei said: "this is a bit too much."

She can't escape love and has to marry the person she wants to marry. This may be something she can't control. Although she is unfilial and has no conscience, it can be understood sometimes.

But after marriage, it's a problem not to take the initiative to seek forgiveness from the elders.

The elder's heart is actually very soft. She asks more times. Ye Xingbei believes that Gu will forgive her.

"Yes," Gu Junzhu sneered, "so I don't like her. After I came to Jiangcheng, I never let people pay attention to her."

"What's wrong with her marriage?" Ye Xingbei asked, "did Qiao Zui find it?"

Since Gu Junzhu won't take the initiative to pay attention to Joey's affairs, it can only be discovered by Qiao Zui.

After all, these two days, Joe is not in the right state.

"Well," Gu Jun said faintly, "two days ago, Qiao Zui found that Zhang Heyuan and a pregnant woman went to the hospital together. He thought something was wrong, so he asked me to help him check."

Ye Xingbei nervously opened his eyes: "Zhang Heyuan is looking for Xiao saner?"

"Almost," Gu Junzhu said, "Joey is infertile. She has been married for more than three years and has no children. Zhang Heyuan, without telling Joey, has found a woman outside to surrogate her. Now the woman is pregnant for nine months and is about to give birth."

Ye Xingbei was stunned: "he What's his hurry? Joey is three years older than Joe, only in his twenties. Is he in such a hurry? "

Gu Junzhu sneered, "he's not in a hurry, he's in a hurry! When Joey and Zhang Heyuan got married for a few months, Zhang Heyuan's mother treated Joey very well. In the past six months, Joey wasn't pregnant, so his mother couldn't wait. She sneered at Joey and scolded him. She didn't have a good face. My good niece could bear it for more than three years. "

Gu Jun said coldly, "I'm not worth it for my father. I knew that she was willing to be cheap and let others spoil her. Why should my father keep her in a thousand delicacies for fear that she would be wronged? If my father knows, he will be seriously ill again. "

Ye Xingbei patted him placidly.

She understood that no matter how hard Gu Jun said, he was still thinking about it.

It's just that I hate iron but not steel.

If you don't care at all, you will see jokes now. How can you be so angry.

After thinking about it, she asked, "now does Joey know that Zhang Heyuan has a surrogate child outside?"

Gu Junzhu shook his head: "I don't know. Zhang Heyuan's work is very secret. His mother has always come forward in the name of Zhang Heyuan's cousin. His cousin has been married for many years and has only given birth to a daughter. He has always wanted a son. Everything about that woman is done in the name of Zhang Heyuan's cousin. My people checked it for two days and didn't find him until this afternoon To conclusive evidence can be determined that the woman's stomach bad is Zhang Heyuan's seed

Ye Xingbei frowned: "what are you going to do with Qiao Zui?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!