You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 459

Qiao Zui ran to the man like a savior, "brother Yao, come here, let me introduce you."

He dragged Fang Yao to the north of Gu Junzhu and Ye Xing and introduced them one by one: "this is my uncle, my little aunt and my little cousin."

After the introduction, he looked at Fang Yao happily.

Fang Yao is older than his younger uncle!

Look how Fang Yao greets his little uncle!

Fang Yao politely rushed to Gu Junzhu and nodded to Ye Xingbei: "little uncle, little aunt, cousin."

“……” Ye Xingbei is collapsing.

Fang Yao is the man who meets her impression of a tough man.

Tall and straight, handsome eyebrow Xiumu, angular, firm and handsome.

But a man in his twenties called her little aunt seriously. She really can't bear it!

She tilted her head and looked at Gu Junzhu, "can you change their name?"

Gu Jun nodded: "yes

Ye Xingbei's eyes suddenly brightened.

Gu Jun Zhu said: "it's OK to call my little aunt. I don't choose the same."

Ye Xingbei

There is a sentence about MMP that she wants to say very much.

But she's a lady.

She's holding it!

Qiao drunk quite sympathy of saw leaf Star North one eye, feel oneself found bosom friend.

He didn't want to call such a beautiful girl my little aunt.

The beautiful young girl who is beautiful and tender also does not want to be called little aunt by them.

But they had to give in under the influence of his little uncle.

He and his little aunt are really pitiful people!

Gu Jun glanced at him one by one and looked at Fang Yao: "Captain Fang, if you don't dislike it, you will go to my home with Xiaozui. There are two bodyguards in my home. At the beginning, for my injuries, I went to the Chinese medicine practitioners to learn massage physiotherapy. It's very helpful for your injuries. At the beginning, I was more injured than you, but now I can get out of bed, thanks to them."

Fang Yao nodded: "thank you, little uncle. I'll disturb him."

He took a look at Qiao Zui: "ah Zui went crazy after he retired from the army. He didn't care about his body at all. I know that my little uncle taught him very strict. Now my little uncle can manage him. I have advised him to see my little uncle for a long time. He made a joke and escaped. I didn't expect to meet him here tonight. We will go back with my little uncle later. It's just that What a nuisance to my uncle

"Wow! Cousin, you lie! " Xiao Shumiao pointed to Qiao Zui's nose and said, "you just said that brother a Yao was hypocritical and refused to live in my house. In order to accompany brother a Yao, you didn't go to see my father. You lied!"

“……” Joe beat the wall drunk.

Brother Yao, little cousin, people are hard to break down!

It's hard to break down!!

What kind of brother is he?

What's his life!

Gu Jun chuckles, grabs Qiao Zui's ear and twists it around: "I'll give you an hour to pack up. An hour later, go to Jiangnan hall to find me and go home together. Do you understand?"

Joe was drunk and screamed, nodding like a chicken pecking rice: "I understand! It doesn't take an hour, fifty minutes is enough! "

"Good," Gu Jun let go and patted him on the head, "go."

Qiao Zui rubbed his ears, put his arms around Fang Yao ' , the fastest update of the webnovel!