You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 458

There must be something wrong with the wine in this club. After two drinks, he went through parallel time and space!

He looked up and down, trying to find out if there was any mechanism that could let him go back to the original time and space.

Gu Jun bent down to take the sapling into his arms and pointed to Qiao Zui: "sapling, his name is Qiao Zui. It's your cousin. Do you know what cousin is?"

The sapling put his arm around his neck and flashed his eyes: "my cousin is my parents' brother and sister or my brother and sister's child."

"Well, that's the official saying," Gu Jun rubbed his little head. "In private, cousin is the one who you can bully and pit at will, and is ready to be a cow and horse for you at any time."

Joe is drunk

Little uncle, is it really good for you to teach your son this way?

Are you really good at cheating on your nephew?!

"Oh," sapling said with a look of "I understand" and nodded his head, "OK, Dad, I see."

Joe is drunk


What you know is wrong!

In his heart, the tearful little man stretched out Er Kang's hand to the sapling. Xiaodouding, don't be cheated by your father. What your father said is wrong.

Not a word!

"Good boy Gu Jun's favorite little sapling's pink face: "remember, if you have trouble in the future, you need to solve it. If you can't find your parents, you need to find your cousin. When you have a black pot to carry, you don't need to find your parents, you can find your cousin directly."

"Mm-hmm," nodded the sapling, "OK, I remember, Dad!"

He askew small head to see Joe drunk, very sincerely said: "cousin, just I misunderstood you, your heart is not ugly, you just brain is not very good, in fact, you are a good man!"

What a good man he is willing to take the blame for!

Joe is drunk

No, no, no!

He has a good brain, but his mind is ugly Ah, Pooh!

He has a good brain and a good heart, but he doesn't want to be such a good man at all!

Joe is drunk, tearful and desperate.

That's why he delayed day after day and refused to go to his little uncle's house.

He used to be known as the "Fox commander" and his IQ crushed everyone.

But when he got to his little uncle, he had to be abused.

He never admits that he is always abused by his little uncle because his IQ is not as high as his little uncle. He is always abused just because his little uncle has a higher seniority.

Respecting the old and loving the young is a fine tradition.

If you don't listen to my uncle, you are disobedient and unfilial. What can he do?

What can he do??

When his grandfather strongly ordered him to live in his uncle's house to recover, he collapsed.

It's worse than knowing that the injured arm can't recover and must be discharged.

He felt that he was more cruel than the enemy.

What the enemy wants is his life, and what his grandfather abused is his soul!

Ye Xingbei looks at Gu Junzhu holding the sapling tenderly and looks at Qiao Zui, who is speechless and choking on the wall. He feels that Qiao Zui is pitiful.

The child can't think of it.

It's not good to deceive anyone. You have to deceive Mr. Gu.

In terms of Kung Fu, who can match Gu Wuye?

Don't you have to play big knife in front of Guan Gong?

She was about to say something when the door of the box next to them suddenly opened.

A tall and straight young man with sword eyebrows came out and was surprised to see the situation in the corridor. His eyes fell on Qiao Zui's face , the fastest update of the webnovel!