You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 460

Qiao Zui and Fang Yao leave, and Gu Jun takes Ye Xingbei and two little guys back to their own box.

Ye Xingbei asked Gu Junzhu: "is what you said to me that day true? Is your nephew the king of special forces

"Well," Gu Jun said with a smile, "what? Don't you think so? "

Ye Xingbei shakes his head like a rattle, "isn't it? It just doesn't look like it at all. "

After a pause, she said, "I think he's more like an artist in our star palace. If he signs our Star Palace, I promise he'll be very popular!"

It doesn't matter if you don't have a strong point. It's enough to have a good face.

There's no face in the world, it can't solve things.

If there is, it must be the face value is not high enough.

With Qiao's drunken face, it's almost the same that he can turn all living beings upside down.

"Then don't think about it," Gu said, sipping his red wine. "My father won't let him into the entertainment industry."

Ye Xingbei nodded: "I understand."

Old people always think that the entertainment industry is a vanity fair, too flashy.

Of course, people with Gu's status will not let their grandchildren enter the entertainment industry.

"I'm just making an analogy," she said

"He's really the king of special forces, I didn't cheat you," Gu said with a smile. "However, in terms of the value of force, Fang Yao should be above him. It's just that even in individual combat, it's not enough to have the value of force. The brain is equally important. Fang Yao's value of force is above him, but it's not as insidious as him, so he has to lose every competition."

Ye Xingbei


Mr. Gu, are you sure you are describing your nephew?

She was speechless for a moment, and then asked, "I heard him say that his companion was also injured? Hurt your leg? "

Just now she specially noticed that Joe's drunken companion was a little strange.

A little lame.

But we should pay attention to the observation to see it. If we don't pay attention to it, we can hardly see it.

"Well," Gu Junzhu put down his glass, "his companion's name is Fang Yao. He is his team leader and vice team leader. When they were on a mission together, Fang Yao was hit in his left leg by a bullet. In order to save Fang Yao, he was hit in his right arm by a bullet. They were both unlucky. They injured their nerves and couldn't recover for a long time. They had to retire together."

He looks as usual, but ye Xingbei feels the regret and loss in his heart.

She could not help but put her hand over his palm, trying to comfort him, but could not find the right words.

Just as she was racking her brains to raise language, Gu Junzhu looked at her with a smile, "honey, if you put your hand on my thigh, I would feel more intimate."

“……” Ye Xingbei took a deep breath, took back his hand, and tried to control the impulse to give him a slap.

She really thinks too much.

Let's forget about consolation. This product doesn't need it at all!

Waiting for the two little guys to eat, they can't hold anything. Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei take them back to the villa.

Comfort Ling Yue and Xiao Shumiao. Ye Xingbei goes to check Qiao Zui and Fang Yao's guest rooms.

Gu Jun arranges the guest room for Qiao Zui and Fang Yao and gives it to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper arranged it a few days ago, but ye Xingbei felt that it was her intention as a hostess to check it again.

The people she admired most were people like Fang Yao who were loyal and courageous and defended their country.

Although we don't know what kind of mission Qiao Zui and Fang Yao were injured in, since they had guns and fought against the country, they must not be good people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!