You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 457

He wrinkled a pair of good-looking eyebrows, grieved and worried: "ah, little uncle, you know, brother Yao is my team leader. His father doesn't love me, and his mother doesn't love him. Having a father is more miserable than having no father. He is lonely and lonely. He is as miserable as a wandering duckweed. Now he is hurt again and becomes a lame man, which is even more pitiful. I don't care who cares about him?"

He looked at Gu Junzhu's eyes with sincere and affectionate eyes: "little uncle, you believe me, I am too poor brother Yao to delay seeing you. In my heart, little uncle and grandfather are always the most important, more important than my life!"

"Eh?" Xiao Shumiao looked up at him with a small face and flashed his eyes: "big brother, since your little uncle and your grandfather are the most important to you, why don't you visit your little uncle for your brother Yao?"

Joe is drunk

Whose child is this?

What a nuisance!

Don't cut in when adults are talking. Do you understand!

"Make it up, keep it up!" Gu Jun hugged his arms and sneered coolly, "even a five-year-old can't fool me. Do you still want to fool me?"

"Wow, are you five years old?" Qiao Zui opened a pair of peach blossom eyes and looked down at the sapling in surprise: "xiaodouding, you are so short. I thought you were only three years old!"

"You are only three years old! Dad said, I just grow up late, and when I grow up, I will be taller than you! Hum

Xiaoshumiao was so angry that he ran to Lingyue, grabbed Lingyue's hand and pointed to Qiao Zui: "Xiaoyue brother, you see, it's no wonder mother said that you can't judge people by their appearance. The elder brother, who is more beautiful than his elder sister, is actually very ugly in heart! My mother said, "if you don't expose people, I'm short and I'm very sad. He wants to poke at my sad things. He's so bad!"

“……” Joe's mouth twitches when he's drunk.

Whose child is this?

It's not big. It's very organized.

It's just that his heart is ugly?

He's both inside and outside. His mind and appearance are the same. All right?

Ling Yue touched sapling's head and comforted him: "sapling is not sad. He just has a bad brain and can't speak. He has no malice."

Joe is drunk

It's better to say that he has malice.

Who's out of his mind?

He has an IQ of 28!

Whose family are these two children?

What a nuisance!

He rolled his arms and sleeves: "whose child is this? Adults don't care? I'll help them find out. How can we teach children like this? There's no childlike innocence at all. It's old-fashioned and not cute at all! "

Gu Jun chuckled and hooked his fingers at the sapling.

"Deng Deng Deng" ran to him, hugged his thigh, raised his face and called: "Dad!"

“……!” Joe was so drunk that he almost knelt, "Dad Dad

Gu Jun glanced at him coldly: "no, you love me again, I'm your uncle. Don't call me dad. I'm afraid my brother-in-law will climb out of the coffin in the middle of the night to find me."

Joe is drunk

I haven't seen him for two years. His uncle's mouth is more poisonous!

But what's the matter with this bean curd?

When he came back to visit his family two years ago, his little uncle didn't even have a girlfriend. Now why is his son five years old?

Qiao Zui looked at Ye Xingbei, and then at the sapling. With his peach blossom eyes wide open, he thought that he probably crossed time and space.

It is said that there are parallel time and space in this world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!