You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 454

Looking at Xiang jiechao's begging face, Xiang Laozi was heartbroken.

Xiang jiechao is right. For more than 40 years of father son relationship, we can't say that if we cut it off, we can cut it off. If we don't care, we can't care.

To personally send Xiang jiechao to prison is like peeling off a layer of flesh and blood from him.

But Gu Jun is right.

If we make constant decisions, we will be disturbed.

He can't bear Xiang jiechao, but Xiang jiechao is more cruel to Xiao.

If he let Xiang jiechao go free this time, who can guarantee that Xiang jiechao will not poison Xiaoyue again?

He's such a grandson that he can't afford to gamble and doesn't dare to gamble.

It's not that he's partial or that he doesn't care about his father and son for more than 40 years. It's Xiang jiechao who seeks his own death.

He closed his eyes and opened them again. At last, he couldn't bear to disappear: "Xu jiechao, if you commit a crime, you will be punished by the law. You don't have to ask me. It's useless to ask me. In this world, no one can surpass the law greatly. If you plant any cause, you will get any result. You deserve everything now."

"Xu jiechao? Xu jiechao Originally kneeling Xiang jiechao's legs softened and fell to the ground.

Is he Xu jiechao now?

Not Xiang jiechao?

Why is that?


With scarlet eyes, he yelled at Xiang: "how can you be so cruel? I called your father for more than 40 years! Just because it's not your blood flowing in my veins, you have to do this to me! Why are you so cruel? "

"Do you think I want to? If I had known today, I would have been Gao Yulan's son rather than Xiang xiongyi's son. Have you given me a choice? "

"What's good about Ling Yue? You haven't raised him for a day, and you haven't raised his mother for a day. Apart from your blood flowing in his veins, what does he have to do with you? Why would you rather choose him than me? "

"If you didn't recognize Ling Yue as your grandson, if you didn't go to find out the relationship between him and you, how could I let someone kill him? It's your fault, it's all your fault! "

His heart rending roar, ferocious features, if crazy, scarlet eyes are full of unwilling, anger, hatred, but not the slightest guilt.

Master Xiang looked at him, like a painful heart cut by a random knife, and gradually calmed down.

Gu Junzhu is right.

Xiang jiechao is nothing like him.

The inheritance of genes is powerful.

Although Xiang jiechao was raised by him, he was like the selfish Xu family in his heart.

Until now, he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

He resented him, Gao Yulan and even Ling Yue, but he didn't feel that he was doing something wrong.

"That's it," said Mr. Xiang, looking at him dejectedly. "From now on, we'll have nothing to do with each other. You can transform yourself in prison. If you transform yourself well, maybe you can come out."

If he is always stubborn and thinks that he is owed by others, he will have to stay in prison all his life.

Xiang jiechao returned to his senses and yelled: "Dad, don't, don't..."

Xiang doesn't want to listen to him any more. He reaches for the video and gives his cell phone to his subordinates.

He leaned back in his chair and gasped.

His subordinates worried: "Xiang Lao, do you want to let the doctor come?"

He waved his hand wearily: "no, drive. Go back to the base." , the fastest update of the webnovel!