You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 455

Child recovery ability is good, a few days later, Ling Yue's injury has been good 7788.

Ling Yue recuperates at home, and xiaoshumiao doesn't go to school either. For several days, she stays at home with Ling Yue, bored and greedy. When Ling Yue gets better, xiaoshumiao proposes to go out to eat delicious food.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei naturally agree.

In the afternoon, after the two little guys wake up, Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei take them to the mall to buy.

After six o'clock, a family of four went to a new upscale club.

According to Gu Chi, the chef of this high-end club has been an imperial chef for a long time. His craftsmanship is very good, and the business of the club is also very good. If you don't trust the relationship, you have to book a VIP private room many days in advance.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei bring their two children to have a taste.

Gu Jun ordered a large table of things one by one, and the food was quickly served. It was really delicious. Even Ling Yue, who had never paid attention to the appetite, ate more, not to mention the little eaters and saplings.

Little sapling ate with bulging cheeks and bright eyes. He praised and said, "Dad is the best! Dad has money to buy delicious food for the little tree

Gu Jun chuckled and gave him a crystal roll. "We'll come after we like it!"

Little sapling gave him a kiss: "Dad is the best, little sapling loves dad the most!"

“……” Ye Xingbei coughed.

Little sapling turned his eyes, put a piece of meat into Ye Xingbei's mouth, and said with a flattering smile, "little sapling loves his mother best!"

Ye Xingbei pinched his nose: "ghost spirit!"

Ye Xingbei angry at him, stood up and rubbed his head, "have a good meal, mother to the bathroom."

Little sapling's little head.

Ye Xingbei went out to the bathroom. On his way back, he was stopped by a young man in a wine red shirt.

Ye Xingbei doesn't know how he did it. When she comes back, she has been knocked by the wall.

Her back was against the wall, her left hand was on the wall above her head, and her right hand snapped.

A red rose appeared in his empty right hand.

With a smile, the man handed the flowers to Ye Xingbei. His voice was as clear as the flowing water. "Beauty, it's fate to meet each other. Do you have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

Ye Xingbei

At this moment, half encircled by a man in her arms, she has only one idea in her mind What a beautiful man!

A pair of peach blossom eyes with wind and flowing rhyme seem to contain Wang Chunquan, which makes his eyes look tender like water, rippling with waves.

The skin is white and flawless, and the facial features are exquisite. The high nose, maple lips, and protruding clavicle are all exquisite and attractive.

He is more than 1.8 meters tall. His cut wine red shirt shows his good figure. He has wide shoulders and narrow waist. His waistline is smooth and his legs are straight and slender.

As the director of Xinggong, ye Xingbei has seen countless top-notch beautiful men. In terms of beauty, this man can rank in the top three.

On the body that romantic hook people's waves, is absolutely worthy of the leader, no one can.

If ye Xingbei has to describe this man with one thing, it is peach blossom.

Peach eyes, peach face, peach general charming wind flow.

This man is probably of the wrong sex.

If you are born a woman, you will certainly be able to charm the world.

Of course, born to be a man, is also the best in the world, if Yan Jingxue that Yan control see, certainly immediately "amazing". , the fastest update of the webnovel!