You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 453

He was just whipped a few times. It was frightening. In fact, it didn't hurt at all. He thought he could walk.

"Be honest. It's like carrying a suitcase when Shifu holds you. It's very relaxed." Gu Jun teased one by one, holding him out.

Ling Yue's body is stiff.

For a long time No one has held him for a long time.

When I was a child, my grandmother held him.

But when he was two or three years old, grandma couldn't hold him.

In the past, he would be envious to see a child held in his arms by his parents.

But later, he was not envious.

He knew that no matter how much he admired, he would not get it.

But today, he got it.

This is the father's embrace, right?

Broad, warm and full of security.

Inexplicably, Ling Yue has an impulse to cry.

His hand was behind Gu Junzhu's back. He gently grasped Gu Junzhu's clothes. The more he grasped, the tighter he was.

He once again vowed in his heart that he would study hard, grow up quickly, grow up to be a man as powerful as master, respect master and his mother and help them take care of the little tree!

Xiang Laozi is not willing to follow Ling Yue and keeps talking with him.

When they arrived downstairs, they were getting ready to get on the bus. Xiang's confidants came to Xiang's ear and said, "Xiang, young master jiechao wants to have a video conversation with you."

Mr. Xiang frowned and stopped.

He originally wanted to send Ling Yue to Gu's villa, but now he listened to his confidant's words and lost his mind. He waved to Gu Jun: "you take Xiao Yue back first, and I'll see him later."

Gu Jun nodded.

The car started and soon disappeared in the sight of Mr. Gu.

Until the car completely disappeared, he turned into his car and said, "connect the video."

Video on.

Xiang jiechao saw Xiang's face on the screen of his mobile phone. He knelt down in front of the camera and looked at the camera with tears in his voice: "Dad! I'm Jack Chao, Dad! Dad, please, don't send me to the police station. Please help me put this down. I know you can do it. Dad, please

"Yes," Mr. Xiang looked at Xiang jiechao on the screen and said slowly, "I can do it, but why should I do it?"

"Dad, I'm your son!" Xiang jiechao looked at him in pain: "although we are not related by blood, Dad, I have been your son for more than 40 years and called you dad for more than 40 years! Is blood relationship really more important than emotion? Our father son relationship of more than 40 years is not worth a paternity certificate? "

"Are you accusing me?" Mr. Xiang said coldly: "yes, a paternity certificate is not worth more than 40 years of feelings. If you don't buy a murderer to kill Xiaoyue, even if your biological mother is the culprit for the separation of my father and daughter, I won't blame you. You are still my son, but what have you done?"

Master Xiang's tone became colder and sharper: "you bought a murderer to kill Xiaoyue! It's not enough for your mother to separate my father from my daughter. You have to continue to do evil and make my only grandson disappear from this world! "

Xiang Laozi looked at Xiang jiechao's face and sneered, "what kind of life is this? You are as cold-blooded and vicious as your mother!"

"No! No Xiang jiechao shook his head with despair. "Dad, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it! I'm just afraid of the truth, I'll lose you! You have always been my pride. I don't want people to know that I'm not your son. What's flowing in my veins is not your blood Dad, I didn't mean to. I'm just confused for a moment. I beg you, please. In our father son relationship of more than 40 years, let me go this time. I don't want to go to jail. It's too terrible. Dad, please, please don't let me go to jail! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!