You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 452

But in the end, Xiang jiechao didn't know how to be grateful. After knowing the truth, he not only didn't confess to him, but also wanted to kill Xiaoyue, destroy the body, and completely hide the secret.

What a wolf!

He raised for so many years, hurt for so many years, the result hurt out such a beast all inferior thing!

Gu Jun tilted his lips and said, "I mean, let Xiang jiechao stay in prison all his life. If you put him in prison, you will benefit the public."

He had seen it for a long time, and master Xiang was soft hearted.

He said what to do, but he didn't bring Xiang jiechao to justice. Instead, he took charge of Xiang jiechao in private. Gu Junzhu understood.

After all, it's his son who has been in pain for so many years. Mr. Xiang can't bear to send Xiang jiechao to prison.

He and Gao Yulan meet, put cruel words put very happy, but to move the real, the old man can't bear.

Xiang is reluctant to give up, he is willing to.

According to his idea, a scum who is so cruel that he can't even let go of an eight year old should feed him a gun.

However, Lingyue and Xiaoshu have not been hurt too much, so the death penalty is not expected.

Since he can't be sentenced to death, let him live as if he were dead.

Xiang jiechao has been the young master of Xiang's family for more than 40 years. He has always been well-dressed and beautiful. He put him in prison and tried to make his cellmates treat him well.

For the rest of his life, he will be worse alive than dead.

Xiang's lips trembled severely. He couldn't say the words that sent Xiang jiechao to prison several times.

He was reluctant to give up.

I can't bear it.

Even if you have a cat and a dog, you will have feelings after a few years.

Besides, Xiang jiechao was raised as his favorite son for more than 40 years.

For more than 40 years, he regarded Xiang jiechao as more important than his life.

Although it is now clear that Xiang jiechao is no longer his son, his feelings for so many years do not mean that he will put in and take back.

"Uncle Xiang," Gu Junzhu looked at him and said slowly, "I understand your feelings for Xiang jiechao, but you also need to understand that if you make constant decisions, you will be disturbed! Xiang Jie can do harm to Xiaoyue for the first time. He can do harm to Xiaoyue for the second time. Let him stay in prison for a lifetime, so that he has no chance to do harm to Xiaoyue. It's better than that after you let him free, he can find a chance to kill Xiaoyue and then pay for Xiaoyue's life Uncle Xiang, what do you say? "

Thinking of the scene described by Gu Junzhu, Xiang shuddered fiercely.

After Xiang jiechao killed Ling Yue and was brought to justice, his son and grandchildren were gone.

Put Xiang jiechao in prison, at least Xiang jiechao is still alive.

Master Xiang gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind: "you're right. Let Xiang jiechao go to prison to reflect on himself I'll let someone do it now. "

He waved to his confidant and told him to inform the people in the capital to send Xiang jiechao to the police station. He was charged with murder.

His confidants were ordered to leave.

Gu Jun chuckles with satisfaction.

He said, in terms of brainwashing, he is the best in the world.

As long as you give him a chance to speak, he will surely cheat people Well, it's persuasion!

On the other hand, ye Xingbei packed up and helped the two children change their clothes.

Gu Jun chases past and holds Ling Yue in his arms.

Ling Yue was a little embarrassed and struggled: "master, I'm ok. I can go by myself." , the fastest update of the webnovel!