You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 451

"Mom," xiaoshumiao sat beside Lingyue and looked up at him: "Xiaoyue brother wants to go home, I want to go home too, we want to green them."

"This..." Ye Xingbei looked at Gu Junzhu: "can Xiaoyue go home now?"

Gu Jun nodded: "yes."

Ling Yue's injuries are serious. In fact, they are all skin injuries. There is a family doctor at home. It's no problem to take care of this small injury.

Although they live in the senior cadre ward and the environment is like the presidential suite, they are not as comfortable as living in their own home.

Since the two children want to go home, Gu Jun says nothing and asks Gu Chi to go through the formalities.

Ye Xingbei helps the two children change clothes and pack things.

Gu Jun asked master Xiang one by one, "Uncle Xiang, please come back with me."

Mr. Xiang hesitated and shook his head. "Forget it, I won't go. You have a wife now. You young people are uncomfortable when I live in the past. I went to live with your father for a while, and your father and I haven't seen each other for a while."

"OK," Gu Jun nodded. "Xiang jiechao, uncle Xiang, what are you going to do?"

Gao Yulan, her two daughters and a son are all put in detention. After the trial, they will be put in prison.

Xiang jiechao's business, Xiang Laozi said he handled it by himself, did not let Gu Jun Zhuo do it.

A touch of grief flashed across Mr. Xiang's face, and he sighed deeply: "if I give it to the police and lawyers, how to judge it, I will not fall into the trap, nor bend the law for personal gain."

Gu Junzhu said: "the crime of kidnapping should be sentenced to more than 10 years or life imprisonment, but Xiang jiechao's crime is not kidnapping, but intentional homicide."

"The two kidnappers I caught said that Xiang jiechao wanted Xiaoyue's life. After killing Xiaoyue, he had to burn his body to make Xiaoyue disappear completely in the world."

"When they went to kidnap Xiaoyue, xiaoshumiao and Xiaoyue were together. When they saw that xiaoshumiao and Xiaoyue were both beautiful and well dressed, they decided that they must be children of rich families. They temporarily changed their attention and tied xiaoshumiao and Xiaoyue together."

"After they kidnapped xiaoshumiao and Xiaoyue, they took them into the mountains and planned to ask for ransom from their families and then tear up the tickets. In this way, they could only move their hands once and get two shares of money."

Xiang Laozi was sad and angry, thinking slowly, "two pieces of money?"

"Yes," Gu Junzhu said, "ask us for a ransom, get a share of the money, tear up the ticket after getting the ransom, and then ask Xiang jiechao for a share of the money."

"Beast! Beast Thinking that it was so easy to know the truth, he knew that he had a close grandson, but he was almost separated from his grandson forever. Xiang gritted his teeth with hatred: "what about the two kidnappers?"

"The two kidnappers are still in my hands. I will take good care of them," Gu Junzhu said. "According to their two accounts, there are three of them. The leader went out to inquire about the news and escaped. But it's OK. He can't run away. My people will definitely find him out."

Master Xiang nodded and his face turned pale: "Jie Chao, he He... "

His lips were trembling and his heart was suffering.

It was, after all, his son who grew up in pain.

For so many years, he didn't know that Xiang jiechao was not his kind. He poured all his guilt and love for his dead wife into Xiang jiechao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!