You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 391

"No, I don't want to. What if the little tree wants me to do?" Ye Xingbei is a little reluctant.

"If Xiaoshu wants to find you, Xiaochi will call you," Gu Jun said, dragging her to the back of the mountain. "The children have grown up and need their own space. As a mother, you should learn to let go."

Ye Xingbei That's bullshit

Her sapling is only five years old.

Other people's five-year-old children may not be able to dress themselves well. How can she learn to let go?

Although reluctant, it can be seen that Gu Jun insisted, ye Xingbei did not brush his good interest.

There is Gu Chi looking at the two children, she really has nothing to worry about.

Gu Jun brings Ye Xingbei to Houshan.

In the most open place of the back mountain, ye Xingbei saw a hot-air balloon.

Ye Xingbei was a little surprised: "hot air balloon?"

"Yes," Gu Jun chuckled. "Last time you said that your greatest wish when you were a child was to fly in the sky like a bird and touch the stars in the sky?"

He bent over with a smile, picked up Ye Xingbei, put her into the hot-air balloon, and jumped in himself, "tonight, I will let you become a bird flying in the sky, although you can't touch the stars, but you can be very close to them!"

Someone came to light the balloon.

A moment later, the balloon slowly lifted off.

Looking at the mountains and trees getting smaller and smaller, all of them were trampled under their feet, ye Xingbei's eyes were suddenly moist.

Before No one has ever been so attentive to her.

Hours later, if you want to become a bird and fly in the sky, you can touch the stars in the sky.

It was just a casual remark she made at home a few days ago.

Even now, she can't remember whether she said it to Gu Junzhu or to two little guys.

But now, just because of her casual words, someone carefully prepared all this for her and took her to fly in the sky.

She could not help looking at Gu Junzhu askew: "you Why are you so nice to me? "

"Do you need a reason to be nice to you?" Gu Junzhu also turned to look at her, with a casual but touching smile on his lips, "since you are my wife, I have the responsibility to fulfill your wishes, make you happy, and find a hot-air balloon to take you to fly in the sky. It's not difficult. What's the matter?"

Ye Xingbei looked at him, his eyelashes trembled.

Is that ok?


It's precious.

There is a person in this world, just because of her casual words, to help her fulfill her wishes, just to see her happy.

It made her warm and moved.

She quietly looked at Gu Junzhu and suddenly found that she didn't know the man at all.

Or she never tried to get to know the man.

Sometimes he is cold and aloof, sometimes he is cynical. What does he really look like?

See ye Xingbei looking at him in a daze, Gu Jun Zhui smile even more, "how? Finally found that my handsome people and gods are angry, burst the sky? "

Ye Xingbei I found that you like to say two kinds of words, one is to praise yourself, the other is to hate others

Boast of their own heaven and earth.

Others are tongue tied and want to cry without tears.

Gu Jun chuckles, stoops to take out a bottle of red wine from the cupboard in the hot-air balloon, pours a cup and hands it to Ye Xingbei, pours another cup for himself, and touches the cup in Ye Xingbei's hand lightly, "that means you don't know me enough."

Ye Xingbei refused: "am I right?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!