You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 392

"Of course not," Gu Jun took a sip of the wine, his eyes turned, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of infinite amorous feelings: "I only say one thing, that's the truth!"

"Cut!" Ye Xing turned his eyes to the north, "this sentence is false, can't be false again!"

"How could it be?" "Facts speak louder than words! Why don't you give me an example, when did I lie? "

Ye Xingbei racked his brains and thought hard.

After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't remember a word.

How strange!

In her mind, Gu junzhuming is a cynic and irresponsible person. How can she think about it seriously now, and she can't remember a word?

On the contrary, it's all reliable.

He can find out what others can't find out.

He can do what others can't.

He's like a winning general, always in an invincible position.

No matter what thorny things, to his hands, he can be a pretty solution, never let her or their side by any anger, any grievance.

The more I think about it, the greater the image of Gu Wu Ye is in her heart.

She blushed and didn't want to be chased by Gu Jun, so she lowered her head and drank a mouthful of wine to cover up.

"Ye Xiaobei!" Gu Junzhu suddenly called her name.

"Well?" Ye Xingbei looks at him subconsciously.

Under the moonlight and starlight, the men around them are elegant, elegant, and handsome, just like relegated immortals.

Ye Xingbei's heart beat, some uneasily to avoid his sight, "what's the matter?"

Gu Jun chuckled and looked at her with great interest: "Ye Xiaobei, I want to say that it's not a matter that we always hide. When shall we have a wedding?"

"A wedding?" Ye Xingbei was stunned: "isn't it just living together? What's the wedding? How troublesome

"What's the trouble?" Gu Junzhu looked at her and said, "don't all couples hold weddings? Don't you women all look forward to the wedding

"That's not the same!" Ye Xingbei said: "if you are married to your beloved man, of course, you are looking forward to holding a wedding with your beloved man, so that everyone who knows us can witness our happiness, but we just live together. Why do you want to hold a wedding?"

Gu Junzhu frowned slightly, "beloved man?"

"Yes Ye Xingbei said: "if I marry the man I love, or if you marry the woman you love, a grand wedding will be held naturally. It's better to be grand enough to tell the world, so that everyone knows that we are together with our beloved. But what about us? We've just been tied together to make a living. It's very troublesome to hold a wedding. Let's not waste our efforts! "

"Beloved man..." Gu Junzhu chewed these words again and looked at her with a smile. "I'm not the man you love?"

Ye Xingbei just drank a mouthful of wine in his mouth and spat it out.

She coughed for a long time, then slowed down. She couldn't laugh or cry. "Why are you my beloved man?"

Gu Junzhu naturally said: "I'm your husband. Of course, I'm your beloved man. Otherwise, who do you want to be your beloved man? Do you still want to green me? "

What's the logic?

Ye Xingbei is neither laughing nor crying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!