You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 390

"Yes," ye Xinglan nodded and said, "I agree."

After all, his uncle is the biological father of Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei, who have the most right to make decisions.

Ye Xingbei took out his mobile phone: "then I'll contact them and see when they have time to come. We met and talked about it in detail."

After connecting Xie Yunlin's mobile phone, ye Xingbei doesn't say anything in the mobile phone. He's afraid Xie Yunlin can't control his emotions and it's not safe on the road.

She only said that she had some small problems and wanted to meet with her two brothers. She asked them to make a decision for them.

Hearing that his sister said he needed to make up his mind about something, Xie Yunlin's pride as an elder brother burst out and immediately declared his position. Now let the assistant book the air ticket and take the earliest flight tomorrow.

Ye Xingbei is afraid of his concern. He tries to relax his tone and try to act as if nothing happened. He says that he is not in a hurry. He can let them come whenever they have time.

Xie Yunlin can't wait to help his sister out of trouble, but he still insists on coming tomorrow.

Brother and sister talk a few words, ye Xingbei hang up.

Ye Xinglan asked: "big brother and second brother will come tomorrow?"

Ye Xingbei nodded: "well."

Ye Xinglan stood up: "in this case, brother arrived, you contact us again, we go back first."

Sitting with Mr. Gu, he felt uncomfortable all over. He was very eager to leave here and stay away from Mr. Gu.

Ye Xingbei also stood up and asked him to stay: "it's late. Brother LAN and brother Li sleep here, right? There are clean rooms here. "

Gu Junzhu also lazily stood up, echoed: "yes, there are plenty of guest rooms, just stay."

"No," ye Xinglan declined their kindness: "I have something else to do when I go back. I'll contact you tomorrow."

Ye Xinglan leaves with Ye Xingli in a hurry.

Standing outside the gate, looking at ye Xinglan and ye Xingli's car disappearing into the night, ye Xingbei turns to Gu Junzhu and says, "you frighten my brother LAN and my brother Li. You don't want to stay here! You are more terrible than the flood and the beast! "

"How could it be?" Gu Jun looks innocent one by one. "Ye Xinglan is also a man with a head and a face in the business world. How can he be so timid?"

He patted Ye Xingbei on the shoulder, "Ye Xiaobei, you look down on ye Xinglan too much. It's not good. He will be sad if he knows that you say he is as timid as a mouse."

Ye Xingbei

When did she say that her brother was as timid as a mouse?

Ye Xingbei pinched him, "you change the concept! I mean you're terrible. I didn't say I'm timid. "

Gu Junzhu seized her hand and looked at her with an eyebrow: "am I terrible? I'm scared. You hit me when you reach out and scold me when you open your mouth? It's always you. I'm honest, OK? You are so arrogant in front of me, which shows that I am not terrible at all. Since I am not terrible, it must be ye Xinglan who is timid! "

Ye Xingbei Mr. Gu, you shouldn't be Gu. You should be Chang. Your name is you Li. You are chang you Li. I shouldn't talk nonsense with you. "

Anyway, no matter how much you say, you can't say him in the end!

And saw his favorite Ye Xingbei's speechless little appearance, Gu Junzhu was in a good mood, pinched her face, "go, take you to a place, have a surprise!"

"No," Ye Xingbei said, "I have to go back to accompany Xiaoshu."

"Xiaoshumiao and Xiaoyue are together, and Gu Chi is with them. You don't have to worry," Gu Jun said, holding her hand. "Come on, I'm sure you like it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!