You Are My Gravity

Chapter 743

Xiang Qiuchi gasped: "Qin se, do you have a good conscience to say that Gu Jingyuan is cheating me? What are these two professions he asked me to choose?"

Qin se, of course, is going to talk to her man at this time. She can't stand on the side of Xiang Qiuchi. She said with a smile: "I can tell from my conscience that Jingyuan helped you choose a great job. How good it is, teacher and doctor. If I didn't have the ability, I would like to do it. What a respectable profession."

Xiang Qiuchi wants to spit blood.

"You You two are just like birds of a feather. You are really brave enough to let me do these two kinds of work. I'm not afraid that when I'm not happy, I'll kill a patient and strangle a child? "

Gu Jingyuan shook his head: "I still believe you in this. You will not. You are a self-control person. Since you have chosen to say goodbye to your previous life, you will never look back. You are not like that."

Xiang Qiuchi said contemptuously, "come on, don't say that you seem to know me very well. Do you know if I'm looking at you now, I want to go back to my old career."

Gu Jingyuan's pitfalls are really serious.

It's ridiculous that he should be allowed to do that kind of work.

Just as Zhou Ping came up from the basement, she grabbed Qiu Chi and quickly said, "aunt Zhou, you give me a comment. You say, is Gu Jingyuan too much? He asked me to choose one of the two jobs of doctor and primary school teacher. How can I choose it?"

Zhou Ping patted the dust on her body, looked up and said, "what's the matter, this Isn't it good? "

There was no smile on Zhou Ping's face. She answered seriously.


Zhou Ping said: "doctor, teacher, what a serious career it is. It's absolutely different from what you used to be. You'll like it..."

Shaking his head to Qiuchi: "no, I will never like it. I don't like it at all."

Zhou Ping can understand what is excluded from Qiuchi.

She said, "what do you want to do? For you, any job now is a new beginning, and it may not be better than these two jobs, because as long as you enter a new position, you will feel uncomfortable, and you will feel that the workplace makes you uncomfortable. "

"But if you want to be a doctor and come into contact with some patients, what you do is something you used to be familiar with, but you used to kill people, now you are saving people."

"To be a primary school teacher, children are the most naive little angels in the world. They will not doubt that you have any bad experience before and will not question you. As long as you can get along with them sincerely, they will see you as the best friend in the world, which is also very good for you."

Zhou Ping can understand why Gu Jingyuan chose these two professions for Xiang Qiuchi.

Xiang Qiuchi is a man who has been a killer for many years. Although he seems to be the same as them, his career is different from them. Once he goes in, Xiang Qiuchi will find that many things are not what people think, and he will feel out of place.

Therefore, we should not choose his career too casually.

Children are naive, doctors and his former career is completely opposite, but there are some similarities, which will make him integrate, not so difficult.

Zhou Ping said, Xiang Qiuchi's heart is not so angry.

However, it is still not easy to accept.

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