You Are My Gravity

Chapter 742

He said to Qiuchi: "what a fart! What's the use of being a doctor? I can only kill people. Where can I save people? "

"I also teach and educate people. I teach primary school students. Who doesn't know that those primary school students are more and more anti-human. Do you want me to kill them all?"

Xiang Qiuchi doesn't understand why Gu Jingyuan has found him two so rebellious people with so many occupations.

Doctor? Teacher, it's from primary school.

Xiang Qiuchi thinks that his intuition is too accurate. Gu Jingyuan's pitfalls are everywhere.

Can think of these two occupations, Gu Jingyuan is really a talent.

Gu Jingyuan showed his hand: "these are also the two best careers I have chosen after considering for you. For you."

"What a fart."

To autumn pool gas to turn around two circles, "anyway, these two, I will not go, and this name, this what ghost ah, Chi he, this what thing."

Gu Jingyuan looks at Xiang Qiuchi's irascible appearance, and his mood is broken: "I took a part of your name, otherwise you didn't say what your name is."

Chi is the homophony of Chi, he is the half of Qiu.

That's right. The name is what Gu Jingyuan thought. It has no technical content.

"I..." Pointing at Gu Jingyuan to Qiuchi, he said, "I really regret that I got on your boat, and you are too ungrateful."

Gu Jingyuan was not angry at all. He was very good at speaking: "you don't have to be too impatient. If you don't like the name, you can change it. I'm a very good speaker. I respect your opinions."

Nodded to Qiuchi: "good talk, OK, change my career. I'd rather sweep the floor than do these two."

Gu Jingyuan comforted with a smile: "this I'm afraid it's not good. I've chosen these two jobs carefully. "

"Doctor, I can arrange for you to enter my hospital in the name of my distant relatives. You don't need to sit in the clinic. You usually deal with some trauma patients, such as sewing a needle, pulling a knife, taking a bullet, doing an amputation. Anyway, you used to kill people. You are very good at dealing with these injuries What's more, you are very familiar with the structure of human body. Don't you usually deal with your own injuries? It's very easy for you

He gritted his teeth to Qiuchi and didn't beat him.

Qin se said with a smile: "as for this primary school teacher, I can understand my family Jingyuan's mind. The physical education class he arranged for you, usually with primary school students, how relaxed. Don't worry. I've learned that some of the bear students in some culture class teachers are not very clever, but they all like physical education class very much, really It's very easy. You used to be a killer, wandering on the death line, but now you don't do it. It's time to enjoy some leisure time. Maybe you'll want to get married, have children and start a family after you have been in touch with children for a long time. "

Looking at Gu Jingyuan to Qiuchi, "Gu Jingyuan, I suddenly have an idea that I want to go back to my old career."

Gu Jingyuan smiles: "no, you don't want to."

To autumn pool suddenly clap a table: "you seek to die?"

Qin se also patted the table: "you want to die, don't you?"

Xiang Qiuchi: "you..."

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