You Are My Gravity

Chapter 744

He asked Qiuchi, "I used to be an antique dealer. Can I..."

Gu Jingyuan immediately vetoed: "of course not. You used to be an antique dealer. The circle you used to travel with also knew you were an antique dealer. How could you be a killer who didn't even know this common sense? How did you get to the rank of king before?"

Xiang Qiuchi has a black face. He has never met such a treacherous family before, OK?

Finally, it seems impossible to add new career options. As soon as Xiang Qiuchi closed his eyes, he gritted his teeth and chose medical skills.

between doctors and primary school teachers, Xiang Qiuchi reluctantly chose the former.

It's better to face the injured than the primary school students.

After all, he is the kind of person, let him teach primary school, others believe him, he does not believe in himself, OK?

Online is not often a joke: Epic disaster movies, primary school students have a holiday!

Primary school students are a terrible group.

He has never dealt with children, so don't take that risk.

After struggling, Xiang Qiuchi said very reluctantly: "since I don't have a third choice, then Then I'll choose a doctor... "

Qin se said with a smile: "that's right. It's good to choose a doctor. He has a stable job and is respected by people. The key is his high salary. Look at you. You know that resistance is ineffective and you can accept it early, which will save you so much money."

Xiang Qiuchi black face

"One more thing, I agree to be a doctor, but, name, I want to change my name, I will never call such a fool's name."

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "yes, you can call anything you want."

Gu Jingyuan has always been very good at speaking.

For a while, Xiang Qiuchi couldn't remember, so he turned to ask Zhou Ping, "aunt Zhou, please give me a name."

Worried that Zhou Ping would not agree, he added, "my parents have gone early and gone astray since I was a child. Now I'm going back to my old ways, thanks to you. You are the elder of the family. Please give me a name."

Zhou Ping is soft hearted. She really can't hear a child say such a thing.

She nodded: "good!"

Qin se reminded Zhou Ping: "Mom, Jing Yuan said that he arranged for him to enter the hospital in the name of his relatives."

"Look after the relatives, then It's better to say it's your own family, surnamed Gu The name Now that you have put down the butcher's knife It's called... "

Zhou Ping pauses, thinking.

Xiang Qiuchi is so nervous that he is afraid that Zhou Ping will come out and ask him to ask him to put down Gu Tu Dao or something.

But fortunately, Zhou Ping is not the kind of person without taste.

She said: "stop fighting, just call Gu Zhige, don't you think? "

The original intention is to lay down the force, only the real martial arts.

For Xiang Qiuchi, this idiom is very suitable for him to lay down the butcher's knife and the weapon he once relied on to survive, and be an ordinary man.

To akichi Changchang relieved, fortunately, fortunately, aunt Zhou is not as pit as her son-in-law.

He was very grateful and said, "I agree. The name is very good. I like it very much..."

I don't know how many times that is better than Chi he.

He asked Qiuchi another question: "if I go to work, I don't know if I can learn Metaphysics from you in the future?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "of course, you can come to me when you have time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!