You Are My Gravity

Chapter 741

All he did was hope that she would be happy.

She laughed and he was satisfied.

After reading all of them, Qin se covered his eyes and leaned against Gu Jingyuan: "Oh, no, no, my eyes hurt. I really hurt. I feel I'm going to be blinded..."

Gu Jingyuan put his arms around her waist and walked slowly to the sofa: "I can't stand this degree. What can I do in the future? You need to get used to it. After all, you're the wife of the president. "

Qin se suddenly opened his eyes: "what about these things? Put it at home. What if it's stolen? "

Qin se suddenly understood, once suddenly rich, the money does not know how to spend people's feelings, she is like this at the moment.

How to spend it?

So much money, my God, I'm worried.

Gu Jingyuan carried those boxes, there is a box particularly solid, which is all cash, a whole box of cash.

Qin SE's eyes are falling out.

She felt that she really had a good time. Koi was a common carp. She met such a good man. It was a bit like a dream.

Gu Jingyuan nodded Qin SE's forehead: "if you are really worried about this, I will buy you more safes later."

Zhou Ping got up and went to the basement to see if these things could be put down, and left them there for you and me.

Qin se nodded, this can have, looking at those boxes, feel rich, go out straight waist, "so much money, I suddenly don't know how to spend..."

"I can help you spend I'm good at spending money. " To autumn pool in the side of youyou said a word.

Qin se

Gu Jingyuan turned his head and said with a smile to Xiang Qiuchi, "Oh, I forgot to tell you about your new identity. I've arranged it for you."

Surprised at Qiuchi: "what? So fast? "

I didn't say that it would take some time before, so I let him be Zhou Ping's valet first. How can I say it's done, it's done.

Gu Jingyuan smile: "I promise you, of course, is to help you complete as soon as possible, I have never been a person who does not mean what I say."

He made a phone call, and 20 minutes later, his secretary came with two file bags.

Gu Jingyuan said: "there are two identities. I think they are very suitable for you. You can choose for yourself."

With doubts in his heart, Xiang Qiuchi takes over the portfolio.

I don't know why. Xiang Qiuchi is a little worried. It's really I can't believe Gu Jingyuan.

This guy, that's an old fox.

Xiang Qiuchi opens the first file first, and his face turns black after reading the first page.

Then he opened the second file, and his face became darker.

He looked up at Gu Jingyuan with a black face and threw the two files on the table.

"Gu Jingyuan, what do you mean? Can the two identities you arranged for me work?"

Gu Jingyuan raised his eyebrow: "why can't I use it? Isn't it good? They are all serious and respectable professions

Qin se is curious to stretch a neck to see one eye, then, almost didn't smile to spray.

Xiang Qiuchi immediately said, "look, your wife thinks it's too much."

Qin Seke even said: "cough Cough I think it's very good, too. Didn't you say you wanted to go back to the good and say goodbye to the past? Doctor, help the wounded, teacher, teach and educate people. It's so good. It just makes you clear the boundary with the former Xiang Qiuchi! "

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