You Are My Gravity

Chapter 740

Lin Yuexian followed Gu huaizhang to leave. Before going out, she had a reluctant look at the room full of betrothal gifts.

Heartache, really heartache!

As soon as Gu huaizhang and his wife left, Qin se became energetic.

She hopped to Gu Jingyuan's side and took him by the arm: "why did you suddenly come to propose marriage today? You didn't tell me. I should be well prepared."

Gu Jingyuan rubbed her bangs: "this is a surprise, and You look good in my eyes

Qin se blushed, "of course I look good!"

She turned to look at the boxes and said, "by the way, what are the betrothal gifts you gave me?"

Gu Jingyuan took her hand: "you see for yourself."

Zhou Ping kindly reminded her daughter: "you should be careful of your eyes."

Qin se: "ah, why?"

"Look out for the blind."

Qin se

"Then I'm more curious."

Qin se didn't look at the booklet. He came to a box, opened the red silk cloth on it, and looked at Gu Jingyuan. He nodded with a smile.

Qin se lifted the box with his hands.

A second later, Qin se covered his eyes.

What my mother said is really right. Be careful to be blind!

In this box, there are all kinds of diamond jewelry, such as diamond rings as big as pigeon eggs, ruby necklaces as red as blood, sapphire pendants as blue as sea water, and all kinds of gemstones are bigger and bigger one by one. Once opened, it can be said that they are dazzling.

Qin put down his hand, turned his head and asked Gu Jingyuan, "are these all true?"

Gu Jingyuan thought about it and nodded: "well, I can't find a fake."

Qin sighed, "Mom, I feel that I really want to buy the earth all of a sudden."

How much is this box of jewelry worth!

Gu Jingyuan is so angry!

Qin se felt that he had taken a big advantage!

Xiang Qiuchi sees the box of jewelry in the back, and immediately wants to turn a huge white eye, NIMA, the evil capitalist.

It's just marriage promotion. Do you want to show off your wealth like this?

Xiang Qiuchi is now more and more pitiful for himself. He works hard to earn the money by stepping on the death line.

It's all money for life.

Oh, society is so cruel.

Gu Jingyuan asked Qin se, "do you want to continue to watch it?"

Qin se tangled: "I don't dare to see it. I'm afraid that after I finish reading it, you have to lead me to the ophthalmology department."

Gu Jingyuan said with a low smile: "don't worry. In fact, there are not many things. I'm afraid my mother-in-law is too extravagant and dare not prepare too much."

Zhou Ping

I mean, if it wasn't for her, he would have done more?

Also don't look, so many boxes, can you put them down at home?

Qin se rubbed his hands, like opening a treasure chest, and opened the second one.

This time, it's OK. It doesn't hurt Qin SE's eyes, because it's all clothes.

It's a new autumn dress of an international luxury brand. Gu Jingyuan specially asked people to customize it for Qin se. She is the only one who has it.

Qin se picked up a skirt: "Wow, have a good look..."

He turned his head and asked Gu Jingyuan, "is there a box of bags left?"

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "well Yes

Qin se swallowed: "well I'm blind. I want to have a look... "

She happily ran to open all the boxes one by one. Gu Jingyuan followed her and watched her make a noise. Every time she opened a box, Qin se would give a cheer, which made Gu Jingyuan's lips. , the fastest update of the webnovel!