You Are My Gravity

Chapter 729

Zhou Ping said: "it's better to be young. If you're young, you can change your heart. If he's a middle-aged man, will he change?"

Qin se nodded and said the same thing.

However, it is not bad that he Zhaowen has such a change now.


On Tuesday, early in the morning, Gu Jingyuan went out early without breakfast.

Today is the day when he asked Gu huaizhang and Lin Yuexian to come to propose marriage.

Gu Jingyuan has been secretly busy with dowry these days. He has to personally participate in almost all the things. After all, he has a big life and can't be careless.

Out of the house, Gu Jingyuan first went to check the dowry again, but there must be no omission, there is no fault.

Then, call Gu huaizhang.

"Father, you can start. It's a long time to go down the mountain. Don't delay."

Gu huaizhang took a look at the time. It's only 7 o'clock, but he hasn't had breakfast yet.

"But I Not yet Are you having your dinner? How about 7:30... "

Gu Jingyuan didn't give him the chance to finish: "if so, you don't have to come today."

On hearing this, Gu huaizhang didn't understand that it was a threat. If he didn't set out immediately, he would not have to go today, and he would have to move from here tomorrow.

Gu huaizhang said quickly, "cough When I'm ready, I'll start right away. Don't worry. It's not worth a problem compared with your whole life

Gu Jingyuan light said: "that is hard father."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, it's all right, it's right..."

Put down the phone, Gu huaizhang sighed.

He's paying his debts. He's paying his son's debts.

After Gu huaizhang himself lamented, he remembered that he had to call Lin Yuexian who didn't get up. All of a sudden, he had a headache.

Lin Yuexian seldom gets up before 9 o'clock. It's hard to wake her up.

What's more, she didn't want to go. She said yesterday that she would not go. Let's see what Gu Jingyuan can do.

Gu huaizhang has nothing to say to his wife, who has been on the road of death. Now their common language is less and less.

Sometimes he didn't sleep in the same room at night. Gu huaizhang made a soft collapse in his work room. Sometimes he was too busy at night, so he didn't go back to his bedroom and just lay there to sleep.

Gu huaizhang opened the bedroom door, and sure enough, Lin Yuexian was still sleeping there.

He gave her a push: "get up, we are going to propose marriage to Jingyuan today, we are going to start now."

Lin Yuexian didn't move. She closed her eyes and said impatiently, "don't bother me. I'm sleepy..."

Gu huaizhang pushed harder: "I haven't had breakfast yet. Jingyuan has already called. Now, let's go. Get up and change your clothes. Let's go at once."

"It's boring. Don't call me. Who likes to go? I won't go anyway..." Lin Yuexian a face of impatience, still eyes did not open.

Gu huaizhang sneered: "if you don't go, if you don't try, do you think Jingyuan can spare you?"

Lin Yuexian opened her eyes and looked at Gu huaizhang with disdain: "you are a worthless man. You will be ordered by your son just like your grandson. Do you still look like a Laozi?"

Gu huaizhang didn't have breakfast, and he was in a bad mood. He was satirized by Lin Yuexian, and his mood was even worse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!