You Are My Gravity

Chapter 730

Without saying a word, he turned and went into the bathroom.

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes and looked scornful. She snorted with disdain, yawned and went on sleeping.

But in a few seconds, Gu huaizhang came back.

And then

Only a crash was heard, followed by Lin Yuexian's shrill cry.

"Ah Gu huaizhang, what are you doing? "

Lin Yuexian sprang up from the bed, and her whole body was completely watered.

Gu huaizhang's hand, holding a very large basin, basin edge, but also dripping water.

In the face of Lin Yuexian's scream, Gu huaizhang replied coldly: "ha ha Laozi? Apart from contributing a sperm, I haven't been a Lao Tzu for one day. Naturally, I don't look like a Lao Tzu. What's more, I'm not promising for one or two days... "

Lin Yuexian wiped the water on her face and roared: "you Crazy, you dare to do this to me. "

Gu huaizhang threw his basin on the ground. "Anyway, you are going to be driven away from here. What do I dare to do to you? I warn you that you don't want to be angry. You want to die. It's your business. It doesn't matter to me. I can't afford to love you..."

With that, he turned and left.

Gu huaizhang's heart is about to be bored to death. The older his wife is, the more confused she is. Even a woman as powerful as his mother is not his son's rival. She is so obedient that she is driven out of Gu Yuan.

Lin Yuexian still wants to make trouble, ha ha

Lin Yuexian shivered. The water on her body was cold, which made her tremble. But Gu huaizhang's words made her heart tremble even more.

"You stop..."

Gu huaizhang stopped and didn't turn around: "what else do you want to do? You don't want to do it yourself, but I'm going to go. I've been like this all my life. I'm not promising or capable. You can't expect me to do anything for you..."

Gu huaizhang used to be very patient with Lin Yuexian, but now her patience is gradually worn away as she never looks back on the road of death.

Gu huaizhang didn't understand that neither of them had ever been a parent to their son.

Now, why do you ask your son to be filial to them.

Besides, my son didn't treat them badly, did he?

He didn't do anything wrong except for the women who wouldn't want her to mess with them.

Now, what they can do is to help their son get married. What's so difficult about such a simple thing?

Why do you have to die? Why do you have to live with your good life?

Gu huaizhang shook his head. He couldn't understand his wife's brain circuit.

Lin Yuexian was wet and dripping with water. She gritted her teeth and asked, "you He asked me to go now? "

Gu huaizhang knew that she was afraid: "yes, right now, just now you have delayed my time. I have no spare time to talk nonsense with you. If you have time, you might as well go to pack your luggage. It will be used in two days. Maybe I will send you to accompany my mother."

"I don't want to..." Lin Yuexian cried out in panic.

She doesn't want to be with that old woman. She doesn't want to leave here.

Gu huaizhang satirized: "you don't want to, my mother has gone honestly, what waves do you think you can turn out?"

Lin Yuexian gritted her teeth and said, "just Even if I want to go, I'll have to wait for breakfast and make up? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!